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Ban the user above!

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1 watcher
Banned for making me go all soppy and mushy inside... It's not fair!
Ban for.... ban just because :P
Banned for ineffectual, weak, limp, pathetic and otherwise hopeless banning...
Banned for only landing on two feet, unlike most kitties, which usually land in all four!
banned for being a wildlife specialist
You can always come back, but you can’t come back all the way.
- Bob Dylan
Banned for drinking the rest of my milk out of my kitty bottle
why? what has he done?
Banned for that look in your eyes
If life seems jolly rotten
there's something you've forgotten
and that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing

from Monty Python's "Life of Brian"
Ban for breaking Talia fast with chocolate ice cream
Quote by TaliaRussell
Banned for having no avi

Give me a chance .. newbie here *meanie*

Banned for having such a silly avatar!
Banned for being a noobie with a hoodie hehehe
Banned for newbie abuse...

On the other hand, isn't that what newbies are for?

UN-banned for newbie abuse!
Banned for weary firefighting pants without a helmet.
Banned for wearing a fire-fighter's helmet without pants!

Banned for showing a picture of Tiger as a cross dresser
Banned for being a dragon rider
Banned for trying to sleigh a dragon instead of slaying it...
Banned for kissing the so called dragon
banned for being the one person who always seems to be banning me!
Banned for singing a song under AriesDragon window pass midnight
banned for trying to scare small children and pets
Banned for being too lovely.
Banned or having fly away haircut
banned for missing the litter box
Banned for moving my litter box somewhere else