Banned because I feel like it.
Banned for being awake too
If life seems jolly rotten
there's something you've forgotten
and that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing
from Monty Python's "Life of Brian"
banned for not changing his shirt for 3 weeks
You can always come back, but you can’t come back all the way.
- Bob Dylan
Banned for blocking the rails
If life seems jolly rotten
there's something you've forgotten
and that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing
from Monty Python's "Life of Brian"
banned for smoking in non-smoking area
You can always come back, but you can’t come back all the way.
- Bob Dylan
Banned for making me use brainpower to figure out a song
Banned because now he is out of brainpower.
Banned because it is Earth Day.
You can't get there from here, because when you get there you're still here and here is now there. Banned because my mug is empty.
banned for being in my mug
Banned for having a small swimming pool.
banned for being out of coffee
You can always come back, but you can’t come back all the way.
- Bob Dylan
Banned because he won't grow his hair out and let me put it in a pony tail.
Banned for refusing to cut her hair into a mohawk
If life seems jolly rotten
there's something you've forgotten
and that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing
from Monty Python's "Life of Brian"
Banned for not cutting his hair into a mohawk
Banned for ruining that guy's hair
If life seems jolly rotten
there's something you've forgotten
and that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing
from Monty Python's "Life of Brian"
banned for trying to copy that guys hair
banned for showing pictures of the dallas cowgirls
You can always come back, but you can’t come back all the way.
- Bob Dylan
Banned for not knowing the difference
Banned for excess paper towel usage
Talia you're banned for not letting me know it's your birthday
Kiera you're banned because you banned Talia before I could
If life seems jolly rotten
there's something you've forgotten
and that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing
from Monty Python's "Life of Brian"
Banned for not watching his weight
If life seems jolly rotten
there's something you've forgotten
and that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing
from Monty Python's "Life of Brian"
banned for wanting to take Talia out for a happy meal at McDonalds
You can always come back, but you can’t come back all the way.
- Bob Dylan
Banned if I can't have a vanilla milkshake with my Happy Meal.