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Stars die to begin again in a new existence to experience another adventure.

Would you want your stories to become movies?
Active Ink Slinger
It depends on how much creative control I had in making the movie.

Where in the world is Carmen San Diego?
Active Ink Slinger
I saw her last week dancing in Tijuana!

Ever been to Thailand?
Active Ink Slinger
I have never been to Thialand.

Do You Know The Way To San Jose?
You don't know the way? Well, I guess Ican tell you. Take a turn on 11th and head south for a few hours then.....

Where were you last night at 6 pm?
I was at home, getting ready for dinner.

What's your favourite memory?
Active Ink Slinger
When my son was about 2 yo, I like to play a game called 'ET go home' with him. Which is, I point out my index finger to him, saying 'ET go home', then he points out his index finger to me and touches my finger, just like ET did with the boy in the movie. My son always had such a bright smile on his face when he did this, and it just melt my heart.

It's warm and sunny outside...will you ditch a day's work or school, doing nothing but enjoy the perfect weather?
Forum Facilitator
If I wasn't doing anything important, I would. I know, I'm naughty.

There's bugger all on tv, do you continue to flick through the channels in a mindless effort to find something to watch, or do something else?
Ghosts, flamingos, guitars and vodka. Eclectic subjects, eccentric stories:

Humorous guide & Recommended Read =^.^= How To Make a Cup of Tea
A flash fiction series :) A Random Moment in Time
Editors' Pick! :D I Am The Deep, Dark Woods
And another EP!: The Fragility of Age
Active Ink Slinger
I usually pick up a book or my iPad and read.

Are we all we are?
I try to be :P

Whats for dinner?
Active Ink Slinger
A sweet pork burrito.

If she's casting a spell, can I cast one as well?
Active Ink Slinger
Sure cast a spell..just as long as it's not a curse for bad luck!

What is your favorite color?
I actually love both pink and purple.

What was your life like growing up?
Hard and rough. Don't really want to talk about really.

Would you cuddle with a friend your close too?
Active Ink Slinger
Not if that person is taken no..

Would you ever betray a friend?
No, not unless they betray me and if it was something very serious.

How do you forgive people?
Active Ink Slinger
Sometimes with great difficulty but it is better that you forgive them because you just eat yourself alive if you don't.

How do you tell somebody that you don't want to wait anymore?
Just tell them point blank, I guess.

What food shows do you like to watch?
Active Ink Slinger
I like Top Chef and Chopped..

Do you ever hate anyone or almost hate? I know your not supposed tooo...
I hate very few people. But yes I do. And for good reasons too. They betrayed me and tore out my heart and soul so badly I had to change who I was to fix myself.

How do you cope with betrayal?
Think of my friends who care about me and who are there for me smile

Have you told a ex-friend the truth why your mad at them?
No I don't talk to them at all. They stopped talking to me for no reason why should I tell them anything?

What does it mean to be fair?
Forum Facilitator
Difficult question to answer with a simple response Rebs. I could mean different things to different people. What would be fair to one may not be to the other.

I guess for me it is treating others as you would wish to be treated. I don't know if answers your question or not.

On a lighter note - Jello or pudding?
"Them ain't no militia, that's the Army of the Potomac!"
Active Ink Slinger
Wiggly jello..

What is your favorite salad dressing?
I like blue cheese smile But I'm trying red wine vinger.

What will you do if a friend kiss you out of no where?
I'd probably kiss back if I were attracted to that friend in the first place and if I were single. I would completely appreciate the act, to be honest, because knowing myself, it's ever so rare that I initiate such things, let alone admit how I feel, unless somebody had a gun on my head and my life depended on it.

What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done?
Bravest thing... hmmm, you wouldn't believe me if I told you.

What is your favorite site?
I really don't know. Let me look it up for you :P

What should I make for Reb tonight?
Active Ink Slinger
No, it just means that I banged my little toe on the living room coffee table late at night.

If Russia attacked Turkey from the rear, would Greece help?

Edit: You beat me with your answer Big11.

How about making spaghetti with tomato sauce?

My question remains the same.