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Active Ink Slinger
I don't know if Greece would help Turkey...

Who's gonna win the finals Heat or Spurs?
I really don't know to tell you the truth. I don't have tv so I can't follow. So Heat maybe!?!?

Would you lay on the beach and let the wave wash away your worries and fear?
I am afraid of the ocean...

What was big11 gonna make Rebs last night?
Quote by Rebellious_Soul
I am afraid of the ocean...

What was big11 gonna make Rebs last night?

Greek Lamb and Orzo. And strawberry-spinach toss with berry vinegar dressing and cheesy ham and leek soup.

Where was I when Reb being so sweet?
Don't know. Would love to try tho

Where was you when Rebellious_soul went wild on your soul? hehehe hahaha :P (I think I made a funny:P)
Five lifetimes ago.

Or possibly in the gumptree next to big11

Why does everyone think i am sweet when i am really evil?
Because you are in my eyes Ms. Reb :-)

What moive should we watch tonight with Naomi?
Active Ink Slinger
The new Godzilla movie.

How often do you get to see rainbows?
Every so often. But I only seen a double rainbow three times. How exciting is that?

Do you hate the waiting game as much as I? (The waiting game: the amount of time it takes for one's story to be posted from submitting it. I desperately hate it.)
Active Ink Slinger
Well I haven't written a story but for poems yes and no.. Just depends.. Sometimes I want it to be published and other times I could care less..
Active Ink Slinger
Forgot my question.....would you ever want to be someone else?
All the time.

Would you sing a song under the person window to let them know how you feel about them?
Active Ink Slinger
One particular person I would sing to her in a positive way.

Do you ever put Worstershire sauce on Mac and cheese?
Forum Facilitator
uhhhh.. nope.. bacon bits...

ever put ketchup and tobasco on french fries?
I don't like condiments. Gasp i kniw the horror! Get over it.

Have you gotten over it yet?
Well you see... the wall broke the vase.

Where are we going?
Forum Facilitator
We're on an atom bomb headed straight into God. Even he'd like to end it, too.

If you were a vampire (the proper kind that doesn't glow or sparkle), who would you kill and who would you sire?
Ghosts, flamingos, guitars and vodka. Eclectic subjects, eccentric stories:

Humorous guide & Recommended Read =^.^= How To Make a Cup of Tea
A flash fiction series :) A Random Moment in Time
Editors' Pick! :D I Am The Deep, Dark Woods
And another EP!: The Fragility of Age
I would kill myself and sire Rebellious_Soul and Naomi so they can watch their kids kids kids grow up smile

What should I do?
Because you don't have to do anything.

Should I sleep in tomorrow?

Would you have a date with someone on here? Who would be and where you two go?
My love Otaku_Ninja. We would go anywhere he wanted to.

Forum Facilitator
Duh, Aria (colors_of_the_wind), of course. We'd likely go to a nice wee romantic restaurant. Of course, our first date will be a nice home cooked dinner, when I arrive over there.

So... What did the Raven say? (Don't even bother calling yourself a writer or reader, if you don't know this, just be very, very ashamed.)
Ghosts, flamingos, guitars and vodka. Eclectic subjects, eccentric stories:

Humorous guide & Recommended Read =^.^= How To Make a Cup of Tea
A flash fiction series :) A Random Moment in Time
Editors' Pick! :D I Am The Deep, Dark Woods
And another EP!: The Fragility of Age
Forum Facilitator
Yes, you were right. Well, sort of. It was actually "Nevermore", (one word, as opposed to two. Some editions have the word split into two, but they're wrong because that's not how it was written), but pretty much the same thing, anyway.

Have you ever misspelled the misspelling of a popular Stephen King book? (Begins with "Pet".)
Ghosts, flamingos, guitars and vodka. Eclectic subjects, eccentric stories:

Humorous guide & Recommended Read =^.^= How To Make a Cup of Tea
A flash fiction series :) A Random Moment in Time
Editors' Pick! :D I Am The Deep, Dark Woods
And another EP!: The Fragility of Age
Active Ink Slinger

In the movie version of "The Raven" what was the response of the raven when Vincent Price asked if he would ever see his dear Lenore?
Active Ink Slinger
I can't believe that nobody answered my question.

From the movie "The Raven", quoth the Raven, "How the hell should I know?!"

Now did nobody answer that question because they didn't know the answer or just because they didn't want to answer?