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Depends on who, if someone TELLS me to apologize, chances are, I'm not sorry. If I do it on my own, I need forgiveness to move on.

Do you think humans are just smart animals?
Who said we're smart?

How many people have you come across that was ignorant, stubborn, and refused to change their ways to make things better.
Forum Facilitator
I would say 9.. 10 would be perfect and I am far from that..

What would you do on your last day on earth?
Active Ink Slinger
Today I am going to watch Stargate SG-1 and a movie (10 Items or less I think), write a little, have lunch with my oldest son, read a few stories on site, and do housework until my boss... I mean wife gets home. Today is my last day on Earth as far as I know. I'm hoping for more, but you never know. You must live each day like your last. Seize the day and suck the marrow out of the bone of life. It may seem like a tame boring day, but I have come to find that the greatest pleasures can come from the simplest acts.

That was a great question, so let's do it again. What would you do on your last day on earth?
You can't get there from here, because when you get there you're still here and here is now there.
On my last day I would smiling brightly, kiss the one I love, try to see all my friends and watch the sunset. If I can't have that then I would try and take somebody with me (only if someone was going to kill me)

Do you have bloodlust?
Forum Facilitator
We all have bloodlust.. some of us hide it better..

Does revenge satisfy you?
One does not simply "enjoy" being cryptic, the ways of mankind do not work in such ways. You must instead ask yourself, "Do we tend to be cryptic? Do our habits make us cryptic?". It is not an easy answer to give, but an answer nonetheless.

...yes, I enjoy being cryptic.

You've suddenly been granted the power of invisibility and teleportation. What do you do?
I would troll all of my friends, and then fight evil, because I would have nothing better to do.

Why does everyone want the power to fly?!
Active Ink Slinger
I don't know, but, being afraid of heights like I am, I'd much rather like the power to breathe underwater or teleport. smile

Um. What was your first job?

💓 Melissa Etheridge - PULSE ( for orlando victims ) 💓 - YouTube

As always, kindness is free, so please consider that when replying to someone rather than the alternatives. You never know what's going on in their life that you may not see. Love, Light & Blessed Be, friends.

Forum Facilitator
I was a "bottle stacker" for my grandfather's supermarket when I was 10.. I spent a whole summer in a hot furnace room separating and stacking all the different glass bottles that were redeemed.. back then cans weren't even developed yet.. there were thousands of bottles!!!!

What is the earliest memory you have?
Back in kindergarten...the actually memory is just a flash, but I remember standing in front of a bookshelf for a picture.

Who do you think are more trustworthy? Your kinsmen or your closest friends?
Closest friends because kinsmen feel entitled to either tell the rest or get involved.

Have you ever felt so disconnected from everything else you feel like you just don't belong anymore?
Yes i do.

Have you ever felt that what eveer you do you can't help but make things worst?
Yes. And I purposely made it worse so he would leave me alone afterwards. If he only knew how badly he got on my nerves and how much of a danger I was to him...

Have you ever misjudged someone?
Active Ink Slinger
Lots. And then I always feel horrible afterward and they usually end up my friend... or an ex-friend in some cases.

This one's a little self-centered, but: what's your favorite of all my pieces on here?

💓 Melissa Etheridge - PULSE ( for orlando victims ) 💓 - YouTube

As always, kindness is free, so please consider that when replying to someone rather than the alternatives. You never know what's going on in their life that you may not see. Love, Light & Blessed Be, friends.

Active Ink Slinger
'No Bigger Than My Hand' is my favorite. For me that was easy, it is on my all-time favorites list.

Honesty that makes you hurt, or lies that make you feel better?
You can't get there from here, because when you get there you're still here and here is now there.
Honesty. Only honesty for me.

Why would somebody want their friends to lie to them?
Forum Facilitator
One doesn't want their friends to lie to them.. but must expect it.. just saying you are a friend is often a lie..

Why is the moon so often equated with love?
Because it is beautiful.

Why do people associate the moon with lunatics and werewolves?
Forum Facilitator
Because the moon is the light within the dark..

What is the most unbelievable thing you believe?
... you wouldn't believe me if I told you, plus there is too much info that I won't bother telling you guys. But a small portion is that I apparently have some sort of power or feel about me. Several poeple told me told me I have a strong vibe.

Eh, same.
Forum Facilitator
Unbelievability tends to be up to the person who believes or unbelieves, so this is always going to be personal and I'm rambling, I know this. But what I fin unbelievable, is that I can fix computers. Yeah, I believe it and know I can, but I can't believe it, even though I believe it. You know what else? That someone thousands of miles could love me so much and that I could love them back just as much. I truly believe it. Oxymoron much?

So, is believing something that's unbelievable an oxymoron, or is it a paradox, or is it maybe something else? (I'm off to write a musing!)
Ghosts, flamingos, guitars and vodka. Eclectic subjects, eccentric stories:

Humorous guide & Recommended Read =^.^= How To Make a Cup of Tea
A flash fiction series :) A Random Moment in Time
Editors' Pick! :D I Am The Deep, Dark Woods
And another EP!: The Fragility of Age
Active Ink Slinger
Maybe believing in the unbelievable makes it believable.

I have been told that I have a strong vibe about myself and I have had too many strange things happen to not believe it.

Have you ever discovered that you had something wrong with you that actually had been affecting you and your decisions for many years?
Quote by CleverFox
I have been told that I have a strong vibe about myself and I have had too many strange things happen to not believe it.

Have you ever discovered that you had something wrong with you that actually had been affecting you and your decisions for many years?

You too huh?

Well, I wouldn't say there is wrong with me because I just think there's something wrong with everyone else.

Ever have information overload?
Active Ink Slinger
Definitely... too often to count.

Why does bad stuff happen to good people...
...and good stuff (or nothing) happen to bad people?

💓 Melissa Etheridge - PULSE ( for orlando victims ) 💓 - YouTube

As always, kindness is free, so please consider that when replying to someone rather than the alternatives. You never know what's going on in their life that you may not see. Love, Light & Blessed Be, friends.

Before the end of this lifetime, I plan on being in one of two places...Valhalla or Fólkvangr.

Are you really looking at a computer screen right now and do you know that for sure?