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Active Ink Slinger
Trumpet (cornet is my fav)

When was the last time you looked back at your life and laughed at your own foolishness, or am I the only one?
You can't get there from here, because when you get there you're still here and here is now there.
Just yesterday, I do it all the time. xD

How does one get over the loss of a pet? I could really use the info right about now!
That depends on the circumstances.

The best way to "get over" a pet that just passed away is, ironically, to get a new one! A puppy or kitten or whatever it is.
Other circumstances...when you CAN'T do that...same advise with everything else: persevere.

Are you a leader, a follower, or somewhere in between?
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Divine_Warrior
Just yesterday, I do it all the time. xD

How does one get over the loss of a pet? I could really use the info right about now!

Getting over a lose is hard. Remember, you don't want to forget just learn how to deal. It's like exercise in a perverse way, if you don't hurt (get sore) after a good work out then you didn't get as much as you should have. When you lose someone special, if it doesn't hurt it wasn't that good a relationship. The lose and hurt you feel validates how important your pet was to you. T.J. advise was good and he said it kindly. (which I liked, persevere good word for it) In the old days they would say cowboy up. (seems harsh, but really the same thing) Get a cat. They are much better than a dog. Much better!

Now T.J.'s question. I was a leader for many years. I was very good at it, but I don't want to ever do that again. It took to much of my soul.

What real animal, if you could pick any, would you like to ride?
You can't get there from here, because when you get there you're still here and here is now there.
Oh tough... a real animal... I would say wolf because I love them so but I think it would be bad to ride them. Um... I would say... it would be amazing to ride on a dolphin!

What is your fondest memory?
This is a rather difficult one.

I think my fondest memory would be my high school graduation. I still remember the feeling of my heart moving into my neck and being both nervous and extremely joyful.

Do you prefer people who are quirky, but unpredictable, or people who are tame, but a bit boring?
Quirky and unpredictable because most people are very predictable.

When will there ever come a question that leaves you puzzling over an answer for days?
Aye! Your last one! About the fondest memory--I couldn't think of an answer that I actually felt compelled to share!

Do you think people associate light with good, or good with light? Really--think about it. Same goes with dark being associated with evil, or evil being associated with things that are dark.

I hope everyone understands what I mean. Does one usually lead to the other, or are they totally separate?
I had a whole rant about this topic. Good and evil, light and dark, just perspectives. Good and evil doesn't truely exist except in our poor perception to understand something we don't. Light and darkness were simply used as symbols for good and evil, and yet even before the principles of good and evil were introduced and well after they fade away light and darkness will still be here, both as non involved parties.

Where did it all go?
Active Ink Slinger
It didn't go anywhere. It's still here. You just tilt your head a little to the left, hold your mouth in the right position, and look with your heart.

Why is it so hard to do the right thing?
You can't get there from here, because when you get there you're still here and here is now there.
Because being evil is fun and tempting.

Why are we constantly talking about good and evil?
Forum Facilitator
Because we, as humans, like to talk about absolutes. Good and evil are the biggest ones, so it's gonna be the most discussed topic. Grey areas aren't talked about much because they're neither here no there.

What colour should I paint my nails? (A classic question, but always worth a go)
Ghosts, flamingos, guitars and vodka. Eclectic subjects, eccentric stories:

Humorous guide & Recommended Read =^.^= How To Make a Cup of Tea
A flash fiction series :) A Random Moment in Time
Editors' Pick! :D I Am The Deep, Dark Woods
And another EP!: The Fragility of Age
Active Ink Slinger
Black, but black is my favorite colour. You should get other opinions too...

So, what colour should Andrew paint his nails?
You can't get there from here, because when you get there you're still here and here is now there.
Maroon or claret.

It is supposed to snow a lot. But I have two mandatory classes... do I still go?
Yes. Because what the Helheimr kind of Russian is afraid of snow?!

Which of the seven deadly sins are you?
Wrath. But I studied envy for a writing project.

Was there a monster under the bed?
Absolutely, but the monster is not a physical being, but rather a figment of one's own paranoia, insecurity, and fear.

How do you deal with constant criticism?
I've learned that although defiance is sometimes a means to freedom, it is more often a means of simply bringing more chains upon one's self.

Are we REALLY free?
Sometimes a small amount of freedom is worse then having none. So no. Especially with the social norm.

What do you think the social norm should be?
Active Ink Slinger
The 'social norm' does not exist. It is simply a construct to discuss and contemplate the social structure and it meanings and variations. In a place that has 100 households, if 50 have one person and 50 have three persons, then the normal number of people would be 2 persons per household, but obviously that isn't normal it is only an average (statistically). Behavior norms can be viewed in a similar fashion. What is normal is very skewed by viewpoint/prospective. What is normal form one person's prospective may be aberrant from another person's prospective, yet a third person may consider neither, both or any combination as normal. What we as individuals consider 'normal' changes quite often based upon are present lifestyle and environment. For example, I worked in a position that my office was in a building with no windows. We weren't suppose to leave the building during the workday. I worked long hours (does that make me stupid or dedicated, and is there a difference), thus I arrived before sunrise and left after sunset. I went almost 16 months under those conditions. By then, being out in the sunlight was very strange to me. I didn't feel comfortable. It was no longer normal to me. There is no normal, just as there is no good or evil; it is all a matter of prospective from each persons point of view. You can assign averages, but they are not the same as normal.

Why do we often hold other people's opinions above our own?
You can't get there from here, because when you get there you're still here and here is now there.
Because even the most proud of us would be nothing without companionship; imagine going through your whole life with EVERYONE despising would be miserable. Absolutely freaking miserable.

Would you die for what you believe in?
Yes. End of story.

If it were you're choice what would you be in a next life.
Active Ink Slinger
An eagle and soar the skies freely.

Same question???
"No one knows when the final grain of sand will plummet through their own personal Hourglass." ~ CKAcres
"If you really want to make a difference, don't over think it, just do it..."
"Scars of life are deeply etched within the minds of curious old souls."
An Einherjar, serving in Odin's glorious army. Battling all day and feasting/drinking all night until the final bloody battle of Ragnarök begins and we shall slay the Jötunn scum and watch Yggdrasil burn and a new Midgardr rise from the ashes!

Do you find things that are dramatic to be fun to watch or just a major turn off?
Depends on the type of drama. A bloody death and everyone is upset and retaliate in vengeance, amazing. Just watching hiring drama like an intense conversation... eh.

Do you remember times of anger.
Advanced Wordsmith
Oh yes! My friend John Ow once hit my cousin Jessica with a field hockey stick on the nose by accident, he was absolutely heartbroken with guilt too. Two idiots (drug-addicted fools) were talking a load of sh*t about how they'd kick his ass if he ever did that to them and I ignored it, because a fool's words is a fool's worst enemy in my eyes. Then they started targeting John, and this pissed me off since I have a strong sense of righteousness and look down on bullying as cowardice. They even went so far as to go and say to the already depressed John that he could've given her brain-damage (from a hit to the side of her nose) and I drew the line.

Bringing logic to the situation I told them to calm down because it's a simple flesh wound and they responded with "So what the fuck you is? A doctor or what?" *Notice the perfection in their grammar* And I opened my eyes in a condescending fashion, threw out my arms in a sarcastic gesture and went. "I take biology jack-ass! So what the f*ck do you expect?"

Some rigmarole and melodrama later I said to a guy-named Kyle (who had a modicum of intelligence) "You know what I hate! When people talk pure SH*T! And can't do anything!" And O Almighty God, did that piss them off! Their best answer to my calling them out was "You know we can hear you right?" To which I replied "I don't give a f*ck! If you goin' do something, do it!" And pissed them off even more! Of course, given they were spineless drug-addicted cowards all they could do is shout "Fuck you!"

What feeling is worse? Being the victim of a bullying? Or allowing someone else to be the victim so you won't?
Let me speak from experience that being bullied is just plain awful. Being belittled day after day after day after day can really destroy someone in more ways than guilt can...that's just my opinion though.

Do you think people who are pessimistic might have a more accurate perspective on life?
Active Ink Slinger
No. Pessimistic is not the same as pragmatic, when you expect realistic results despite your prospective.

If people who had no intent to do for themselves, but for everyone as a whole, were honest uncompromising idealist and they controlled the world, what would happen?
You can't get there from here, because when you get there you're still here and here is now there.
Forum Facilitator
I think things would be a bit messed up. Idealism is nice, but people, unfortunately, cannot survive on idealism alone. The other sad thing is that power does corrupt. No matter how hard one tries to not let it corrupt, it will, so basically the world would be in a sorry state.

When you apologise to someone, is it because they need to know you're sorry, or because you need forgiveness?
Ghosts, flamingos, guitars and vodka. Eclectic subjects, eccentric stories:

Humorous guide & Recommended Read =^.^= How To Make a Cup of Tea
A flash fiction series :) A Random Moment in Time
Editors' Pick! :D I Am The Deep, Dark Woods
And another EP!: The Fragility of Age