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Ray Charles. biggrin

What's your favorite song?
Rascal Flatts

What's your favorite one of my works? (if you've read any)
Dark woods.

Who is your favorite character out of all the stories of mine you read (if any)
(Or for those who haven't favorite character in general)
Active Ink Slinger
You are, little princess. You where in 'Seven Heart-Shaped Scars'. I know that isn't what you meant. My favorite is hard to pick. A tie between the ghost girl in 'Burst Of Flames' and Fei in 'Solarites'.

What is your favorite piece that you have written on Stories Space?
You can't get there from here, because when you get there you're still here and here is now there.
Love transition. That is one of my favorites of yours.

Does today seem slow to you?
Yes....very so.

Do you feel lonely right know?
Active Ink Slinger
No and I hope you don't either.

If you could give any gift to a special person in your life, what would it be and who would it be for?
You can't get there from here, because when you get there you're still here and here is now there.
I would give a money for college to my mom so she could go back to school and get a better job.

Have you ever been obsessed with something before at any time of your life and what?
Yes I have. I been obsessed with dragons for a very long time. Dragons, wolves, magic, and the supernatural.

Have you seen something surreal before?
Yes! The Maryland Renaissance Festival! biggrin

If you could combine any two genres of music, what would they be?
All the time. Although this may shock some of you people, I'm actually a very shy person. In person? I don't say much hardly at all....pretty much ever really. On here, I don't know, I'm one of those people who feel safe behind a computer screen. Though y'all know I'm not mean, even on here.

Does coffee make you a chatty Kathy? Or Chatty Carl if you're a man.
Coffee actually makes me sleep 75% of the time.

How often would you say you are in a good mood compared to a bad mood?
60/40. It depends on that particular moment... and events prior... but mostly a good mood.

Family: by choice or by blood?
Active Ink Slinger

If you could hang out with any celebrity who would it be?
~purple addict~
Advanced Wordsmith
I have no clue, and I feel like a dinosaur having been off of the site for so long!

Are you prepared for the zombie apocalypse? If yes, what's your plan?
Yes; go to the Winchester and drink until it all blows off!

Okay. Apocalypse by undead unicorns or zombies?!
Zombies because unicorns, not only are magical, but they havea better weapon then teeth. So wrapping your limbs with magazines won't stop a sharp horn from impaling you, but teeth on the other hand you fine... unless you mean the resident evil zombies... you're screwed either way then...

What is a zombie in your own definition.
An animate body that lacks an animate don't have to be undead to be a zombie.

What scares you more? Slow zombies or fast zombies?
Fast zombies... so creepy...

Zombie apocalypse or evil robot uprising?
Zombies, definitely zombies.

Death by beheading or death by impalement?
Forum Facilitator
Beheading please. I quite like the idea of my last moments being funny to watch, due to the head rolling, 'cause you know my head is gonna miss that bucket and roll about.

Oh and in case anyone is wondering, a bang clatcher is Spike Milligan's word for a gun, due to the sound it makes, which brings me to my question: Do you like onomatopoeia?
Ghosts, flamingos, guitars and vodka. Eclectic subjects, eccentric stories:

Humorous guide & Recommended Read =^.^= How To Make a Cup of Tea
A flash fiction series :) A Random Moment in Time
Editors' Pick! :D I Am The Deep, Dark Woods
And another EP!: The Fragility of Age
Active Ink Slinger
A club singer who hailed from Korea
Really liked onomatopoeia.
So lacking a drum, he sang tum-a-tum-tum
Then spoke Bostonian, ordering be-ah.

I know. I's pretty poor - but what do you expect on the spur of the moment?
"Any book not worth reading twice was not worth reading the first time." Oscar Wilde
No. I never had, everything I seen was really.

Has anyone ever accused you of having hallucinations to cover their own ass?
Nope, that because i am smarter then that.

Have you heard ''Bury Me'' by Killers?