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Real is the only way to go. Though i recall it being smaller in the feild...

Do you like snow?
Active Ink Slinger
Yes I do.

Do you like rain?
Yes, I ride it everyday to and from the bus stop.

Why is life so unfair?
Just because it doesn't like us

Do you like chocolate?
Active Ink Slinger
Who doesn't?

If you could revive one person (can not be your relatives) from death, who would that be?
Active Ink Slinger
George Washington, so he can show Obama how the hell to run this damn country. Either him or Emily Dickinson... favorite poet.

Ummm same.

💓 Melissa Etheridge - PULSE ( for orlando victims ) 💓 - YouTube

As always, kindness is free, so please consider that when replying to someone rather than the alternatives. You never know what's going on in their life that you may not see. Love, Light & Blessed Be, friends.

i would bring back Martin Luther king Jr. Because people these days, not only need to be inspired! But they need to be guided as well, too many need help.

Who is your hero?
Active Ink Slinger
My Dad WAS my hero...e passed away nearly 20 years ago.

What is Santa going to bring you this year?
Nothing because I got all that i alreadsy want...happiness and the people i love

Same Quetion: What is santa going to bring you this year?
Active Ink Slinger
idk but hopefully it is purple!

~purple addict~
Best invention ever? Um... wire. Where would we be without it?

How are you?
I am doing good...but Tommy is mad for some reason....hmmm...which makes me worry.

Will you still love when I am no longer young and beautiful?
Of course, doll...but you are going to be still beautiful to me,doll face.
Is there gonna be a follow up question?

What do you think?
The cloudy night sky

What is below you?

WHat is on your wall?
A dreamcatcher my father gave me when. I was seven.

Are you sentimental?
Active Ink Slinger

What's in your back yard?
Her courage was her crown and she wore it like a queen -Atticus
yes and i really enjoy what you write but some of them do freak me out.

What is your favorite movie?