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Active Ink Slinger
(I occasionally dream about my friends!! LOL!!)

For the most part, Sunday is just another day as far as routine is concerned. If Grandson (8 yo) is over then all bets are off!

Are you a picky eater?
I am only picky when it comes to condiments. I hate 98% of them.

Do I haunt your dreams Rick?
(Everyone else, do you dream in color or black and white?)
Rookie Scribe
I dream in technicolor. Well, just regular color I suppose.

Have you seen Mr. Garibaldi?

Where is my soulmate? Does he even exist?
Active Ink Slinger
Yes, he exist somewhere in this world, you just haven't met him yet.

Why do we even feel more tired after holiday season?
Active Ink Slinger
they just take so much out of us.

Can I go to bed yet?
~purple addict~
Active Ink Slinger
At the moment my brother because he cant do anything else really because he had his appendix taken out but usually either my sister, my dad, my mom, or me...anyone besides the dog.

What should i have for lunch?
~purple addict~
Forum Facilitator
wax bean and okra casserole..

your favorite avatar on SS..
Favorite avi... that's is a real hard one... so many to pick from... I like Yas's the best. (Sorry the rest of you I like the simplicity of it.)
What's my question?
Active Ink Slinger
Why does diet Coke tastes sweeter than regular Coke?
Splenda of course!

Odd or even numbers?
Active Ink Slinger
Why does all the untouched left over snack, pastry, fruit, coffee...from the executive meetings got dumped into garbage, while only a few miles away from this conference center there are people starving?
Forum Facilitator
Quote by Rebellious_Soul
Favorite avi... that's is a real hard one... so many to pick from... I like Yas's the best. (Sorry the rest of you I like the simplicity of it.)

wow.. what a brown-noser.. kissin' up to the teacher..
Forum Facilitator
because those who relish in the refreshments have never had to do without...

odd numbers..

Why do we bother holding elections when our votes mean nothing...
Forum Facilitator
Because if you didn't, then it would be a dictatorship and you would have no say whatsoever. Voting should be done because, in my opinion, if you don't, you have no right to complain when things go awry.

Where are you right now?
Ghosts, flamingos, guitars and vodka. Eclectic subjects, eccentric stories:

Humorous guide & Recommended Read =^.^= How To Make a Cup of Tea
A flash fiction series :) A Random Moment in Time
Editors' Pick! :D I Am The Deep, Dark Woods
And another EP!: The Fragility of Age
Forum Facilitator

why do animals have designs on their bodies..
I think it is because they adapt to their surroundings. Like tigers in forests have strips to blend in with trees. But the patterns are actually their skin color too.

Why did oz forget a question. Last time?
Forum Facilitator
Because he's flaky? I really don't know.

If I have one melon and two peaches, and there is a car travelling at 5 miles per hour through the Mojave desert, on which day would you recommend I was sectioned?
Ghosts, flamingos, guitars and vodka. Eclectic subjects, eccentric stories:

Humorous guide & Recommended Read =^.^= How To Make a Cup of Tea
A flash fiction series :) A Random Moment in Time
Editors' Pick! :D I Am The Deep, Dark Woods
And another EP!: The Fragility of Age
I hate those question. The answer is always 42.

Can you ask another?
Forum Facilitator
wherever I go.. there I am..

why do the oceans rise and fall because of the moon..
The gravitational pull of the moon tugs on the surface of the ocean until its surface mounds up and outward in the direction of the moon. When the mound of water has reached it's highest point it is called a high tide. On the opposite side of the Earth from the moon, the centrifugal force caused by the Earth's rotation produces another mound of water and high tide. Between these two high tides are two flat areas on the surface of the ocean which are the low tides. Each day there are two high tides and two low tides. The time between high tide and low tide is a little under 6 hours and the entire tidal cycle repeats itself four times each day. The regularity of the tides corresponds to the regular of the Moon around the Earth and he rotation of the Earth as it orbits around the Sun. Depending on the position of the Moon relative to the Earth and Sun, a moon can have different phases. The phases of the Moon are also very regular, and have been used for thousands of years to keep track of time using the lunar calendar. In addition to the daily movements of the Moon, these monthly lunar cycles can also impact the tides. (Sorry for geeking out on you.)

What's your favorite number?
Forum Facilitator
Quote by Divine_Warrior
The gravitational pull of the moon tugs on the surface of the ocean until its surface mounds up and outward in the direction of the moon. When the mound of water has reached it's highest point it is called a high tide. On the opposite side of the Earth from the moon, the centrifugal force caused by the Earth's rotation produces another mound of water and high tide. Between these two high tides are two flat areas on the surface of the ocean which are the low tides. Each day there are two high tides and two low tides. The time between high tide and low tide is a little under 6 hours and the entire tidal cycle repeats itself four times each day. The regularity of the tides corresponds to the regular of the Moon around the Earth and he rotation of the Earth as it orbits around the Sun. Depending on the position of the Moon relative to the Earth and Sun, a moon can have different phases. The phases of the Moon are also very regular, and have been used for thousands of years to keep track of time using the lunar calendar. In addition to the daily movements of the Moon, these monthly lunar cycles can also impact the tides. (Sorry for geeking out on you.)

Good thing I didn't ask a really hard question... haha

I'm a cancer.. so my favorite number is 69..

Do you believe in astrology?
Quote by Dreamcatcher
Quote by Divine_Warrior
The gravitational pull of the moon tugs on the surface of the ocean until its surface mounds up and outward in the direction of the moon. When the mound of water has reached it's highest point it is called a high tide. On the opposite side of the Earth from the moon, the centrifugal force caused by the Earth's rotation produces another mound of water and high tide. Between these two high tides are two flat areas on the surface of the ocean which are the low tides. Each day there are two high tides and two low tides. The time between high tide and low tide is a little under 6 hours and the entire tidal cycle repeats itself four times each day. The regularity of the tides corresponds to the regular of the Moon around the Earth and he rotation of the Earth as it orbits around the Sun. Depending on the position of the Moon relative to the Earth and Sun, a moon can have different phases. The phases of the Moon are also very regular, and have been used for thousands of years to keep track of time using the lunar calendar. In addition to the daily movements of the Moon, these monthly lunar cycles can also impact the tides. (Sorry for geeking out on you.)

Good thing I didn't ask a really hard question... haha

I'm a cancer.. so my favorite number is 69..

Do you believe in astrology?

I kinda geeked out eh

I d believe in astrology yes. smile

Do you like my avatar?
Of course I do! I helped you pick it out.

Do you love pie?
Forum Facilitator
never really occurred to me to try.. I have eaten crackers though and tried to whistle..

is going commando appropriate in a kilt?