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Pride flag Stories

pride flag

Sandra and Melanie were talented thespians. Way beyond good; no one had realized they were the best actors in the whole damn school. Melanie was such a chameleon, not even Sandra had twigged to Mel’s self-nomination for leading actress in a goth part. Sandra, though, had the more challenging role. Yet, Mel never asked herself if Sandy, acting like St Theresa’s Catholic School head girls have always acted, was an example o...

Distress Flag

May I comfort

"I can offer some tea," said the lady. Jim paused then spoke. "What was that?" "Your flag, flying outside. I noticed it. Would you like a cup of tea?" "Is there a problem with me displaying it?" Her head shook. "No, my friend. Not with the flag. The way you're showing it." Jim was not sure if he should be angry or not. "I can show it if I want. I'm not taking it down." "No. But it's showing purple, blue, green, yellow, or...