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Passionate longing Stories

passionate longing

Your Sweetest Dream

I could be your forever...

What am I supposed to say When I love you is not enough And I am lost for words? What am I supposed to do With all these unspoken feelings Hidden inside my heart? Take me home with you Hold my heart in your hands Love me more than love can say Entwine my soul with yours. I could be your forever I could be your sweetest dream If only you would look my way. Can you hear my soul Crying out for you? Can you feel the emotions...

The river slowly slipped between banks of dappled green,Oblivious to the noisy world of men,The sibilant sound of its sojourn among the reedsLike kisses in the air or the swish of skirts,Its comforting sussuration, gentle counterpointTo the clamour of my wildly beating heart.In its long journey from the excitement of its birthLong ago in the cool of alpine meadows,It must have heard many similar stories to mine,The longin...