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New friend Stories

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Dave's Place Chapter 5 - Elaine

Chapter 5 of Dave's Place. Go back to the first one if you haven't read it!

I met Elaine long ago. She was one of the first regulars. She caught my eye as soon as she walked through the door. It was that self assured stride with her head held high. It certainly didn't hurt that it was impossible to miss all those curves. She strode right up to the bar and asked for a hefeweizen. I poured it slowly hoping to engage her in some conversation, "I'm Dave. I hope you enjoy the place." "Elaine," she rep...

Powerful Love - Chapter Six

Being around the right people can always cheer you up

Chapter Six - Nick I make my way over to the table and sit there quietly waiting for Oasis to return. I sit there for about two minutes before I see her exit the bathroom, she slowly makes her way over to the table and takes her seat. We sit in silence, while we wait for our dinner to arrive. After a couple of minutes I see my brother, Justin, making his way over to us with our food. “Hello, it’s nice to meet you, my name...