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Things are heating up at work. Apparently, spring didn't get the memo that it's her season, and us here in Hawkes Bay have gone straight to summer. It's not a major complaint, though, six months of summer sounds amazing, and it's even better because our Christmas and New Year's are in the summer. Because things are heating up and it's getting hotter, we leave a note for all the parents that they should start packing sun h...

Kids say and do the darndest things!

A few snippets from my job in early childhood.

I work in childcare, a job I love and enjoy very much. No two days are the same and the children definitely keep me on my toes, but I would not change it for the world. I love my job. As you probably guessed from the title, this is just a little piece about the conversations I have had with the children over the course of my job. I was on the early shift one morning, and as I walked into the daycare centre I finished my c...