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Future Stories


That evening I drank two glasses of ouzo. Usually I drink only one but that evening I drank two. For once. And maybe that’s why I had a strange dream. Or maybe the cause was rooted in the green salad I stuffed myself with. If so, then the nitrates definitely can do miracles. I was sleeping meekly and soundly when I saw a lovely girl. She had long copper-blond hair, pale blue eyes and body of a model. I continued sleeping...

Pixel-Perfect #3

So where is the balance? I need a weapon…because it is belligerently beautiful in the underworld

The note- “I bet one-day this letter opener will save my life” I thought to myself as I drew it from the inside pocket of my thick, firm coat. I am the kind of guy that is constantly stopped by police authorities, and I live in a place that breathes danger… Weapons are wise here, but the police condemn them. If I am caught with a weapon I will be thrown in prison, and with my skills of observation I’ll be sentenced to mod...

Are we always to be ships passing in the night? Will you never forget the past and let us live? Do you ever expect to regret and make right? Or is your heart so deadened by pain to forgive? We are sharing a space but I live out of sight. You ignore my new face so what more can I give? In this darkness I wander in search of the light I must shine for your soul to derive a delight In a new healthy friendship we base on our...

Pixel-Perfect #.2

There are three levels here in this world- the controllers- the controlled- and the underworld

Welcome to the block! Block of what you ask? Everything imaginable- you possess a small pixel/ particle/ trace of everything imaginable… and yet it is inaccessible. The latest thing to be dug up from the ancient internet is that people used to be able to use 20% of their brain capacity. This day and age you’ll be lucky to unlock a measly 10%. How invigorating it is to know my potential- But my greatest fear is that I won’...

The Rain

A poem I wrote when I was down but not out.

It's raining again.The drops fall like brittle, cold flecks of ice.On the porch I watchas the puddles overflow.The weather reflects my mood.Dreary.The shadowing clouds abovelet me know the rainwon't let up.It never does. Seems likeit's been raining my whole life.The weather reflects my future.Bleak.I like the rain.It makes us even.It falls on everyone.If you're in its way, you get wet.Way it should be.The weather reflects...


mmm.(website).pzq -are as far away from each of the letters you are supposed to type in.

PixelmaticThe world does revolve around me… no it doesn’t- well it should. Artists proceed with an essence that pinches their surroundings- knocking on distance. Distance… just because you live in your own world does not mean the world revolves around you. In your world you are an undiscovered beauty, in the world you are nothing.mmm. (website) .pzqI never questioned this routinely rule, it had to be something right? It s...

. . . We Shall All Burn

Is this what we want?

I live deep within these caves of concrete and polished steel Cut off from all the things of the world that are beautiful and real. Reluctantly I awake, to the clock's persistent chime. I hop in my super-car, and fight the crowd to punch in on time I'm caught in the web, Spider-establishment close at hand. Free will in an illusion, like water upon the desert sandOur technology like fresh paint upon the kitchen floor, Has...

From Morning Songs: If We Weren't Here

Thinking about climate change and what we are passing on to our children

  If we weren’t here everything would flourish. The blazing sun would rise each day like now. The moon would do its rounds and what would perish would not know its name. New seeds somehow would grow and from decay bloom new flowers, new colors, new aromas and the new seeds would plant themselves with no one on their knees. The forests would take back the land, grow thick where cities were, the vines embracing towers, ivy...

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The Lost, the Taken, the Sundered and Forsaken

Lest the Lost, Sundered or Forsaken, while backs are turned, become the Taken.

I recently lost two relatives who I was not close to. I have also been thinking a lot about separation and the reasons behind it. This poem is about making amends and finding peace before it’s too late. Souls like lights, travel through space,Trails crossing, lighting the face,Of the beautiful world they roam,This rich and varied Earth called home.Each soul we touch with recognition,On our core leaves an impression.If we...

A week in the future

I was asked to write a poem as a conversation with myself 1 week in the future

REVISED -A conversation with myself one week in the future. But, hark, what is that clay upon your shoe? It is the clay of the graveyard where my love has ventured. Which loved one? Tell me While I tremble with fear that my life is possibly ending? It is my beloved teddy bear. These past fifty years have had their toll and now has come the time to say good by and bury my heart and soul. When I was a child so lonely. he ga...

On a cloudy day like today, I think of loss Friendships Lovers Family members Opportunities Not what I wanted To happen In my life. Cloudy days Allow me to Reflect on my Life, and what Exciting new adventures Life has in store For me Down the road. I look forward To cloudy days, A day like today.