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Missing Stories


PrologueMy body shook with silent laughter as he ran his fingers down my back. He flipped me over and stared down at me adoringly.“God, you’re beautiful.” His voice was husky and smelt of cloves. He must have taken up smoking again. I didn’t answer him with words, though my lips said it all.He pulled away a little breathless and asked, “What time…what time are your parents expecting you home?” I smiled. “Not till six. We...

If you had to go on to Heaven, There is one thing I wish you took with you,and that would be your cell phone.Oh, how much you loved to talk on your phone.If you had your phone with you,I would call you everyday,Just to hear your voice,and for you to tell me it's going to be okay.If you could not take me with you to heaven,I'd wish you took your phone,So I could call you when I needed advice,Or on days like today when I ju...