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Unrequited love Stories

unrequited love

Just so you know I still love you. Just so you know. Waiting for it to come,the day of final joy,evermore,but the pain is not washed away,waiting,in the rain,just so you know. But you don't know,because of my shyness,and fear,so I sneak a glance,just a quick look,to a window,to a face much adored, and explored, with seeking eyes,and my eyes are wet,from the rain,just so you know. It's my secret deep inside,never displayed...

Broken Doll

How do you mend a broken porcelain doll?

He hears the elevator doors open and close, the click clack of high-heeled footsteps drawing closer, then passing his door on their way to the next apartment. He waits. Jacob had always been good at waiting. He hears the jingling of keys, then footsteps moving back toward his door. His door is unlocked. He had been expecting her. She had always been easy to predict. The front door opens, then clicks softly shut. The carpe...

Breakfast at Shoney's

bacon and eggs, coffee with sugar and deceit

There was a time almost two winters agowhen I had a genuine love, but didn’t know.A silly old man with his hair all gray,he sat at my table every weekend day.I never told him about the young lover in my bed,so why not play a while with the old man’s head?He gave me gifts and kind words to show his affection.For seven months I let his heart move in the wrong direction.One day I teased him, just me being me,“Buy the white g...