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Tria (Ref: C 1 - 1)

Continued from Stree’z monologue :

THE PASTIn the palace King Karna walks the arched hallways with his ‘sarathi’ and chief confidant and advisor Mani.She (Stree) is a difficult child. Her father already brought much shame by marrying that gypsy woman and left me with the burden of this child. I have forever despised these responsibilities but seems like there is no end to it. I am waiting for the time when Ketu’s sons will grow up and one of them will take...

Party Favors

Wasn't going to post this but need something a bit lighter after the last one...Happy Holidays...

Party favors do not a party make,Nor that fancy bakery cake,It's not the table set so fine,Nor that bottle of expensive wine,Not china set on polished wood,Or gourmet food that tastes so good. What matters is the people gathered there,Family and friends you know who care,With whom you can share a laugh and a smile,It's what truly makes life worthwhile,For with time spent with loved ones you can be sure,Of cherished memori...