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Dreams Stories


When the Silence is Sound Enough

Taking a breather to let out the strangeness in my head. Welcome to my world.

I A layer of dust lay thick in a faintly glowing square. Her finger moved languidly over its surface leaving behind a scar of nebulous light in its wake, releasing a lusterless beacon into the cell-like room. The pale beam stabbed the floor, causing her to flinch at the sudden intrusion of daylight that brought temptation as well as a sense of disquiet.Already she could feel the lure and the pull of the world outside as i...

Wonderland: Alice's Tale - Chapter Eleven (One)

In which Alice recalls her memories of meeting Lucy.

My life was curiously empty before meeting Lucy, that summer’s day so long ago. It was my birthday, of which I was only allowed one a year, and unique because of that, as well as it being the one day upon which my un-birthday did not fall. Summer was in full bloom, golden sweet and flower scented, and the sky had chosen to be a particularly vibrant shade of blue that day. It was a day upon which to wander about a heather...

Wonderland: Lucy's Tale - Chapter Ten

The Final Chapter in Lucy's version of Events.

I awoke suddenly, a weight upon my back, pressing me down, my face pushed so deeply into my pillow that I had to fight for every breath. A vice like grip upon the back of my neck held me still. I tried to scream, but the sound was muffled, so instead I fought, hoping to free myself from my unknown assailant. He was too strong, but the desperation of terror kept me going longer than I would have thought possible, up until...

Wonderland: Lucy's Tale - Chapter Nine

Lucy and Alice take the other fork.

Much had changed this time in Alice’s nightmare world. We both recognized the setting, and yet both of us were aware that something wasn’t quite right. Oh, the changes were subtle and had we not walked this path so many times before, we might not have noticed them, but they were there. The color of the sky was a little off, for one, and the sounds seemed muted. Ominous shadows still lurked at the corners of our comprehens...

Wonderland: Lucy's Tale - Chapter Seven

Lucy's concocts a desperate plan and Alice's dreams pull in a surpise guest.

It was all so familiar. She was dressed as before as was I. Shadows flitted about the countryside and through the woods, and the breeze was chill upon our cheeks. We trod the path, ignoring the signs warning of danger. It was as if we’d forgotten what had happened the last time, what would happen if we continued on. In the back of my head I knew we should turn back, but I was powerless to voice that thought.Once again, we...

I Hadda Dream

This came to me at 3:30am and wouldn't let me sleep until i wrote it. We all have dreams.

I Hadda Dream I hadda dream, baby girl, you an me, in the park. You had on the prettiest pink dress and ribbons in your hair. I was pushing you on the swing, and you was laughing, your feet just about to touch the clouds, the sun like a big ball of light up in the sky. Afterwards, we sat under a big old oak tree and had pb&j sammiches and Oreos and a big thermos of ice cold lemonade. Yeah, that was a good day, baby girl."...