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Science Fiction Stories

Science fiction stories depict imaginative, futuristic worlds populated by humans and non-human characters such as robots, aliens and mutant creatures.

The sci-fi genre often involves space travel and distant planets, with the only limit being the author's imagination.

If you love the sci-fi genre, submit your stories here or click on one of the links below to immerse yourself in another world.

Mr. Bender's Nose Problem

Mr. Bender's nose problem is about to take a strange twist.

Mr. Hal Bender was always told he had a wire loose somewhere in that mathematically gifted, bad comb-over head of his. His fellow bean counters at the accounting firm of Gort, Kitt, and Servo voted Hal most likely to mate with a computer. And if Mr. Bender ever did get married, he’d somehow manage to meet the national household population average of two-point five-four. One spring morning in late April, the middle-aged ge...

The Coat

On a 3 week European journey, two unfortunate Americans are caught up in a centuries old nightmare

“He’s late,” Monica urged as a wintry wind hastily picked up out of the north. “Sam, we should go,” She insisted. As the wind rushed past, her shoulder length hair gently swayed. Her teeth chattered quietly. “But we came all this way to see it. Just ten more minutes, that’s all I ask,” Sam pleaded with just a hint of a smile. Through his half-glasses he remained in a permanent state of awe of his lifelong dream standing m...


Short story for AP English Language about the year 2050

Staring out into the falling sun I was reminded of the colors that it used to hold. Such reds, yellows, and smears of the infinite shades that lie between. I often imagine them at all times of the day, not just at this one, when the sun lowers itself somewhere it can hide for the night. I only wish that I could do the same. The nighttime is when the Mysteries come out. I think that they do. We are always told to never loo...

Gidealis Enigma Chapter 64

Tensartis hopes to get to Lierance, but instead he is re-directed to a much more dangerous mission.

Chapter 64 To Save a Loved One I get up, and scratch the crumbling wall of the office to distract the angry green-eyed man. “Your walls seem rather thin and unreliable!” “These “peaceful rallies” of Flingers are beginning to piss me off. This damage is more of a reflection of their volatile state of mind, than the thickness of our walls!” Fern rolls his eyes. “… or the reason they are so volatile is because we are so unre...


Sudden, quickly-written idea opener. I am open and thankful to constructive criticism.

For the past decade now, it seems my life has come to a stand-still; day after day I perform the same routine while fearing my turn for mortality to strike. However, as of late, as the monotony molds my recent acts of madness, I am more looking forward to my eventual death rather than fearing it. To define an "act of madness" - ordering a tall as opposed to a venti; lacing my right shoe first instead of my left; displayin...

Gidealis Enigma Chapter 63

Alare finds a way to help Arte remember everything...

Chapter 63 The Friendly Assault Strange objects hang in the skies above the forest we’re in. The screeching seems to be coming from them. Come to think of it, it is more melodic than annoying. It feels like they are talking to each other. The objects hang low enough to discern what these things are. Well, I don’t know what they are, but I can see that they are oval and colorful. There are long flags, or banners hanging fr...

Adventures Across the Starways - 15

I'm going to treat you like a dog that bit me, Victor.

Chapter 15 by Kari and Rascal Jason holds up a hand. "We're not going anywhere near him until we get word back from the crew about the search. Donny's going over Angel with a fine-toothed comb and we're going to sit tight until he reports to us. Zlanta's got Victor in the airlock right now. One push on the control and he goes for a very long walk with no oxygen. She's not talking to him or letting him talk. Nice when you...

Adventures Across the Starways - 14

“Do you have any idea who this little chit of a girl is, or better yet what she is worth?

Chapter14 by Kari and Rascal On the bridge, Jason heard Victor enter the common room. His boots made a sound distinct from Sive's light footsteps. Fingers drumming absently on the console, Jason listened to their conversation. Sive looked up when she heard heavy footsteps. Smiling, she said, “Hi Victor, glad to see you're on time. Have a seat, let's get to know one another before I take you on a tour. Oh, and if you want...

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Gidealis Enigma Chapter 62

A love affair Arte did not expect, and an unexpected intrusion will prove to be life-saving...

Chapter 62 Lierance TENSARTIS. I hold my breath and do not open my eyes. This might be liquid nitrogen. In this case my eyes will be burned. I must rely on my biosonar. Somehow my creator put in that feature – me being able to survive in liquid nitrogen. It is sian’s native environment, so I carry his nostalgia. Figures. It is just waves and waves on the biosonar. I have no idea of the difference between water and liquid...

Gidealis Enigma Chapter 61

Tensartis feels in love, but is unable to resist the temptation to hunt down Moro...

Chapter 61 The Labyrinth So I grab Alare and drag him to the opening. He frowns and begins to resist, when I jump. The rest of the headquarters explodes fiercely behind us. Hopelessness and fear grip my heart. We fall for a long, excruciating minute with aurora borealis all around us, flaming in long, purple curtains. I squeeze Alare, and he is thin and fragile in my arms. I can feel his body close to mine. The fresh air...

Adventures Across The Starways - 13

Jason passed the word to Zlanta that the passenger might be trouble.

Chapter13 by Kari and Rascal Jason was about to protest his innocence when she suddenly calmed down, smiled, and seemed to roll with the situation. He watched her gather the shreds of dignity around her as she announced she was off to see to her duties. After she left, Jason looked at Donny. "How are the rest of the crew taking this? I...I like Sive. I'd like this to be...more like what the two of you have. But I don't wa...

Adventure Across The Starways - 12

Jason, I'm pretty sure that there has been a transmission of the nanites from my system into yours

Chapter12 By Kari and RascalOnce Sive was finished showering she stepped out of the stall, reaching for a clean towel to dry off with. She kept wondering where Jason had gotten to. Having nothing to put on but the towel, she wrapped it around herself and headed back to her quarters. Once dressed again she decided to locate Jason and find out why he hadn't joined her in the shower. Since it was late she figured to try his...

Gidealis Enigma Chapter 60

Love is where you find it, unless it finds you first!

Chapter 60 Aurora Borealis I hope he did not hear us… Let’s hope… He gave the order to send the ship here. As of yet I do not know of its intentions, but nothing good can come out of the mere intimidation tactics, let alone the actual use of force. “If I see you fraternizing with this animal one more time, you will end up in prison.” He snaps at Levir. “And you, a useless failed cross of a monkey and a piece of space debr...

Gidealis Enigma Chapter 59

All i need to do is keep my nose out of their affairs, or is it?

Chapter 59 The Important Information The “office” is a regular ederi dwelling in the middle of the forest of duhis. It is a big whitish dome as if made of tree roots with a fabric stretched over it. I feel no fear entering it. Fern is surely within, wanting to know if I brought Moro. Nope, I did not. What am I going to tell him? Whatever lie I want. Leot is wise. He made his dream come true, and gave Fern a killing machin...

Last Day Aboard Ship - chapter 8

This chapter is an epilogue covering events after his last day aboard ship.

In five seconds, the boosters shut down, the computer and console went dark, the artificial gravity disappeared, and the main lighting deactivated. Within moments, the pair of emergency lights providing dim illumination flickered and quit. At the same time, I felt a tingling sensation moving along my skin, I became nauseated, and I saw lights flashing where no lights existed. I heard Loflin exclaim, “EMP!” Then our little...