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Science Fiction Stories

Science fiction stories depict imaginative, futuristic worlds populated by humans and non-human characters such as robots, aliens and mutant creatures.

The sci-fi genre often involves space travel and distant planets, with the only limit being the author's imagination.

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Fallout: Vault 186 Ch 2

Below ground wars don't end...they become more personal

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Katherine Ford; a slim sixteen year old brunette with thin cheeks covering high cheekbones, a small mouth with thin lips, and large eyes that harbored ebony pupils, exited a large classroom that served as the local high school for the upper east bloc of Vault 186. A quick glance at the somewhat large metal device referred to as a personal information processor –or Pip-Boy for short– that was strapped around...

Pscybotics Volume One: Episode 1 - Pilot Part One

Five teenagers' lives are changed forever when an accident causes the impossible

Sam wasn't sure why he woke up. He hadn't set an alarm and the day looked dreary - the worst kind of day for him. Sam wanted to close his eyes and go to sleep but there was a feeling that he couldn't shake. It was the feeling that something was happening. That's when he rolled over to see his computer. There was a word on the black command screen that sat at the center of the screen. CONNECTING... 'What the?' Sam got up f...

Fallout: Vault 186

Below ground wars don't end...they become more personal

 PROLOGUE Hope…hope always remains. We've been killing each other since the dawn of our species. Tribes vying for power as civilizations rose and fell. Entire nations wiped from the face of the earth for worshiping a different god than their neighbors. As time progressed we developed more efficient ways to annihilate one another until finally…we accomplished our subconscious mission in a blaze of nuclear fire. But not all...

Adventures Across the Starways - Chapter 16

“Where is she Jason? I understand she is worth a ship load of credits.

Note; I am happy to announce the revival of Adventures across the Starways. Introducing Rob, (aka - rbo) as my very talented co-writer. Our plan is to take you for a wild ride across space, as we encounter more bizarre adventures!Chapter 16 After the harrowing episode with Victor Sive looked forward to some R and R time on planet Sargo. She planned on putting that ugly business behind her and have a bit of fun with Jason....

Expiration April

Army representatives investigate the murder of secret service agents by a malfunctioning clone.

Expiration: April To: Zambia Army Headquarters – New Kasama Barracks From: Lieutenant Gift Nsomo Reporter: Anderson Mwila Classification: Investigative Report Date: 6 th April 2021 Purpose: To document the events leading to the malfunction of the BGP (Biogenetic Programmable Protocol) Codename – Protocol 36. BGP Protocol 36 was purchased from Yoshima Tokyo Machines on 1 st January 2021 and was expected to expire on 1 st A...

The Creation of Man(agement)

You didn’t think all this Management madness just happened on its own, did you?

Ah, there you are. Please do come in. Make yourself comfortable.Who are we? Well, we’re what you might call Senior Management – but never mind about that now. It’s not important, and all will be made clear in just a little while.See, you’ve been a real asset to The Company over the last few years, and we want to give you a reward – a reward beyond anything you could ever have expected. And yes, that requires that you be s...

A Thousand Years to Live - Chapter three

Studying and friendship in the 31st century

We work for a solid hour and half before my Dad walks through the door and sees us sitting on the couch. Neither of us notice him until he clears his throat and when he does we both jump up from the lounge. “Hello, Dad,” I say, getting worried that he won’t like this. “This is Colton. He’s my partner on my galactic communications assignment.” “Hello, sir,” Colton says offering his hand for my father to shake. “Hello, Colt...

Chapter 4The drug induced sleep was dreamless, and I awoke with a start. There was a strange sensation on the left side of my body. I looked down and was startled at the sight of the machine now attached to me. It felt weird, but at the same time, strangely familiar. I looked it up and down, examining the bundles of black electo-plast muscle fibers and the gun-metal grey of its artificial bones and joints. It looked like...

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Untouchable Chapters 1, 2, 3

After his fight with the Chaos Marine Mabien begins his road to recovery

Pain…Pain is what I awoke to. My whole body hurt. My head was pounding. I tried to open my eyes, but they were greeted by a searing white light that forced me to close them. My left shoulder was on fire. I tried to sit up, but something held me in place. More pain… Every nerve fiber in my body was screaming."He's waking up." The voice was unfamiliar to me. It seemed close, but far away at the same time. The words echoed i...

Untouchable Introduction Part 2

conclusion of the introduction

Introduction, (conclusion)Chapter 6Sounds of commotion drew my attention away from my latest victim. I looked up just as half a dozen slaves opened up with the dead guard's laze-rifles. Their fire was wildly inaccurate, and only a couple of shots hit anywhere close.I could have easily stood there and killed them all, but it was time to extract. I would obey Gunney's last order and take no further chances with my life. Fle...

Untouchable Introduction Part 1

With all odds stacked against him can Mabien find his place in the universe

Unt o uch a b le Pr o l o g u e C h a p te r 1 Prologue Chapter 1My first mission under direct orders from the Imperial Inquisition was an absolute disaster; landing Gunnery Sergeant Maximus Christoff and myself on a backwater world at the edge of the Imperium. I begin here because I now realize that the entirety of my life prior to this event was inconsequential compared to everything that was and is to follow.Subjuga Tw...

So you want to be a Henchman: Come to Hench-U!

The world can be a scary place for henchmen. That’s why a solid villainous education is so important

Being a henchman (or henchwench, naturally) is not an easy calling. You’re the first line of defense (and offense, for that matter) for a supervillain (or alien intelligence, eldritch entity, force of nature, etc.) with big plans - the one who has to throw the switch on the Doomsday Machine, who has to take care of the clone vat, who has to make sure all the riddles make sense and the deathtraps have been placed just righ...

Author's Note: (Before you read this, please keep in mind that this is an unfinished work, and I really want to hear what you think of it so far. Do you want to see the rest? Is it a good start? Please let me know! :) )Watching the stars was sort of a pass-time for Jethro, he would spend most evenings after he’d eaten his microwave dinner, sitting on his apartment’s balcony looking up at the few stars he could actually se...

Synopsis Archon has been a soldier for the United Federation of Earth (UFE) since the day the first race of aliens invaded. He was one of the first volunteers for the robotic enhancements and has been on the front lines of the war every day since. Being on the front line, also meant he was one of the first ones affected when the spell was cast that tore his and every other living creature on earth’s life force in two. Arc...

'A' for Astral

My dreams come true. Literally.

An unprovoked fear of darkness rises in my heart and I run outside to see the street, empty and ominous. Darkness has fallen with such swiftness, that it feels like someone had brought it on with a flick. Where am I?With my unseeing eyes roving the street for darker shadows, I rake my mind to know the source of my rising heart beat and mindless panic. But, before I could figure it out, I'm inside; warning the others to sw...