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Fantasy Stories

Our fantasy stories are for those who enjoy escaping to a world filled with magic, wizards, dragons and sorcery.

Stories in this genre have an underlying theme of good versus evil and may be based on fairy tales, myths or legends.

Characters, places and names are often pulled from the author’s vivid imagination and descriptions are usually highly detailed.

Lowenna: The secrets of light and darkness, chapter 15

Can Lowenna save the young woman from Dumar?

Chapter 15 Wenna or LowennaLowenna made her way quickly up the steps, although her mind was racing even faster, She found her thoughts turning back to when she had woke up on the beach suns ago. She had being hunted by five sporns of Hydra. Not only survived but she had killed them all. Those deaths hadn't bothered her at the time, even though she had watched the last one die, much as she had watched Horic die. She couldn...

The Fall

Do you know how it feels to fall in love?

In a magical land far far away, fairy tales make the headlines on a daily basis. Seldom sad endings, mostly happily ever after. Everyone was special if they believed. I wanted to be famous; I wanted them to sing songs and tell tales about me long after my death. But most importantly, I wanted to fall in love.I started my day just like any other day. I read the paper as I had my breakfast. Today's headlines: RAPUNZEL DYES...

Lowenna: The Secrets Of Light And Darkness, Chapter 14

Who is this Mysterious girl, and Can Lowenna save her?

Chapter 14 The Slave MansionLowenna heard a scream as she approached the wall, which surrounded the mansion. She looked around to make sure no one was watching before she climbed the wall and dropped down, landing in the long grass.She looked up at the building. There were several sentry guards and very little cover from where she was to the mansion, and she needed to get there without being seen.Lowenna glanced around. F...

Lowenna 1 new begining: chapter 1

A young woman awakes on a beach unsure where she is or what is happening.

This is an alternate and cut down opening chapter with a new intro. Please let me know what you think.The King of man walked over and stared out of his balcony. It had been the third rough night in a row. The storm, even though it had been so far away had rocked the entire kingdom.It had been a violent eruption of force and magic, which sent the ground-shaking crashes of thunder over all the land. Nothing like that had ev...

Lowenna: The secrets of light and darkness, Chapter 13

Lowenna escapet the law-men. A friendly member of the white light has come to her aid.

Chapter 13 Truth in the eye of a god The church was grand and spacious, with two enormous stone statues at the far end. The walls were decorated with huge murals showing holy men and battles. One had the Lowenna symbol cut in half by a large sword-wielding man. Another showed an army of men pursuing orcs, elves, and men with wings. Lowenna looked at the murals and smiled, of course, the humans would be winning, defeating...

Chapter 12 StatuesLowenna couldn't hold her breath any longer and slowly stood to allow her head above the water. She breathed deeply, trying not to make a sound. The bottom of the pond was made of the same black stone she had seen around the city. Her cape had blended into it hiding her. She looked around making sure she was alone before getting out of the pond, her drenched clothes now sticking to her skin, and her shoe...

Standing on opposite sides of that hardwood floor under those heavy Venetian chandeliers which were ablaze with light. I saw her standing there looking a bit out of place wearing a backless cotton dress with beat-up old Converse sneakers, in a sea of silk and lace finery and black tie. Yet it seemed as if the Tao directed this moment to happen as all parted like the sea as her green eyes locked on mine. She reminded me of...

Lowenna 2: the Secrets of Light and Darkness. chapter 11

Lowenna heads to the auctions but what does fate have in store for her this sun

Chapter 11 The Queens Will Be Done  The sun was shining, and the sea birds were squawking at each other as Lowenna walked down the street. She had decided to keep her hood down and cape open, as she made her was through the city streets. The cape to flutter in the breeze, allowing her to enjoy the weather, as it was very early and there were very few people about. She passed the weapon shop she had entered the last sun. S...

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Lowenna: The secrets of Light and Darkness, chapter 10

Lowenna has had a roungh few suns lets see if the new sun is any better.

Chapter 10 The Picture of the shipThe sun had been up a while when Lowenna finally awoke. She was sitting in a doorway and was stiff from the eventful moon and lack of sleep. She heard the Lock click open, so she jumped up hastily, making sure her hood was still covering her hair and part of her face. This was the "Nott & Sail Inn." She had been told there would be a room available today and looked a lot better than where...

The Adventures of Caegrin ICaegrin hammered away endlessly on the sword. He thought something classic, and simple would be easier to do. Should be easier to do. But as many times as he tried forging the blade just right he failed. He would then toss it aside after inspecting it and start a new one. He didn't even have to wait for it to cool down to know it wouldn't meet his father's expectations.He grabbed a new sheet of...

Rise Of The Scourge - Prologue

The invasion begins...

Prologue Dimitri held his breath as he watched the dark phantom wrapped in a ragged cloak of an archmage fly overhead. He was sure Thael's invisibility cloak shrouded them from the spirit, but he dared not make a sound, even breathing, while the creature flew so close to them. Though the woods were thick where they ventured, the twisting grey-brown trees of the Shade Wood never seemed to produce a leaf, only sporadic bran...

Lowenna: The Secrets Of Light And Darkness. Chapter 9

has anyone wandered what hapend to Jibranz?

Chapter 9 Darcariel queen of HymdaleThe sun had just risen when Darcariel awoke. She allowed the silk sheets to slide off her naked body as she walked to the balcony to see her city. She stood there, looking down at the streets and buildings with a smile on her face and a gleam in her eye. Everything she could see, from the palace gardens to the slums at the edge of the city, from the temple of the bright light to the hid...

Lowenna 2: The secrets of light and darkness, chapter 8

Lowenna has left the Inn, but someone else is following her to Hymdale, who could it be.

Chapter 8 the two ridersThe two rider’s had been riding hard, they had to get to Hymdale soon, but were still at least two more suns ride away. The rain had stopped, and the wind had slightly increased making it a cooler late moon. The young woman slowed allowing her larger companion to catch up and pull alongside.“Hurry we have to get there, soon.” She said to her friend. “You should stay in Penbirth, train, not run off...

Lowenna 2: The secrets of light and darkness, chapter 7

Lowenna has finally found somewhere to sleep, what is next for the young heroine

Chapter 7, Visitor In The NightLowenna opened her eyes and looked around she was in a garden, it was large and adorned with many plants and flowers, “dream-scape,” she said with a smile, as she walked through the beauty of the area, enjoying the view. This was a much nicer dreamscape than the last. There were very few dreamscapes which Lowenna would want to relive. As Lowenna turned a corner, she saw a Lawman dressed in r...

Lowenna 2 : The Secrets Of Light And Darkness, Chapter 6

Lowenna survived the assassins attack and is now searching for somewhere to stay.

Chapter 6 the Dark District InnThe sun was starting to get low, and Lowenna had finally obtained directions to another inn, hopefully, this time with an available room. She had tried two inns already, but they were full, and this one had a slightly foreboding name. Lowenna was determined to judge it on appearance and was eating an apple while en route feeling good in her new clothes and cape. Lowenna's good mood faded as...