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Journey from Paradise

A story of kidnapping and human trafficking by modern day pirates.

Journey from Paradise Part I - Island Holiday The view that she’d get when the passenger jet made a bank for its final approach was a fine sight to see even though it would be through a small plastic portal in coach. The isle – but a strand, was surrounde...


Someone is always caught in the crossfire.

A desolate land with its rivers of sand that would burn ‘neath Arabian sun was the crown for a jewel that was needed for fuel – made the cars and the factories run. But the tribes didn’t brood for the oceans of crude that would lie in the pockets below –...


Story set in the US Civil War era.

Homeland He greeted the dawn with a stretch and a yawn, then he crawled from his canvas abode – a roof for some thatch that was heavily patched, so the rain wasn’t stopped – only slowed. His johns were still wet from the soaking they’d get as he slept on...

Dead Horse Creek

Adventure story set in the Alaskan wilderness

Dead Horse Creek Based on a story by Rich Eskew In nineteen and ten, five adventurous men headed out to the treacherous cold – and propelled by their hope, would engage the North Slope in pursuit of their fortunes in gold. So ‘Big Bill’ was there with his...

Amber Rae

A dark story.

Amber Rae Amber Rae was born that way, with eyes so big and blue, with golden hair and skin so fair – as soft as morning dew. Painted toes of scarlet-rose her sandals couldn’t hide – behind would sail the ponytail her older sister tied. Amber liked to rid...


The mind is a source of dispair.

Discovery Back in my youth, while pursuing the truth – I enrolled in a program designed to remove life’s mystique through a formal critique of the body, the soul and the mind. Attendees would dwell at a local hotel, in a function of fifty or more comprise...

The Call

I lost my stepson last month

The Call It comes as a shock – when you glance at the clock, it’s an hour that no one should call, but the name on display gives the caller away – so you answer the phone after all. The voice you detect isn’t who you expect and your slumberous brain start...

Lover's Leap

Love and betrayal (or was it?)

Lover’s Leap Annabelle had cast a spell on the one she’d grown so fond – her feelings clear since their junior year, as seniors – and beyond. Little Joe, as friends would know, had found his love for life and soon he’d tell his Annabelle – she’d make the...

The Cottage

Everyone needs their piece of heaven.- this one's mine.

The Cottage I took a strand of mountain land where no one’s built before – on earth that’s piled a quarter mile above the valley floor. A patch of ground beyond the sound of busy humans’ tread – where breeze’s sway and birds of prey are sounds you’ll hear...

The Pair

The strength of friendship when put to the test.

The Pair He sat in the shade at the start of fourth grade, with a head that was polished and bare – watching us boys making laughter and noise but unwilling to join the affair. I wasn’t sure why he would capture my eye, why he stood out from all who were...

Hillbilly RIF

Final entry for Corporate Crap

Hillbilly R.I.F. The monthly report said their bookings were short and their backlog was starting to suck, it was easy to glean why the orders were lean in an industry down on its luck. Their financial guy said their costs were too high, that they’d need...


A story of occupational transition.

Collar Foul-weather suits and utility boots, heavy denim and stiff leather gloves, hot summer sweat, maybe freezing or wet – the conditions that no worker loves. Solid and fit since there’s no time to sit, tough as nails from laborious toil, permanent sta...

The Boss

Another sample from my book - Corporate Crap

The Boss Worn-out shoes, rejection-blues – she’d felt her share of pain, her time in grade and dues she’d paid – it seemed were all in vain. And then she learned her luck had turned – an offer came her way, a late reply – an HR-guy had read her resumé. Th...

Social Media

Careful what you say

Social Media I’ve often been told it’s a risk to enroll in the sites that so many attend – where you create a page as a way to engage any members you choose to befriend. With a list that contains over two billion names, it’s a good bet there’s someone you...

The Business Traveler

For those unfortunate souls who travel for a living.

The Business Traveler I set my alarm like I work on a farm – I just can’t afford to be late to embark on my tour to the airport de jour and the gauntlet from here to my gate. On arrival, I find – the security-line would take me an hour or more if my premi...