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When She Cries

There is always something behind the tears...

It's not always on a whim or just because she wants something or to be pitied. It doesn't mean a thing at all.She cries because happiness is too overwhelming. She cries because she yawns. She cries because the wind hurts her eyes. She cries because something touched her heart. She cries because the pain is too much to bear. She cries because she felt lost and alone. She even cries without the tears, and that's the painful...


When you need peaceful quiet night...

This is the second night of your mood swings. I didn't say hello last night cause you are scaring me. My head was killing me and I don't want to talk to you scared.You are scaring me again tonight. This time, it's lashing out in my nerve. My brain is still like last night and you are not helping at all. What have I done this time? You were crying last night, no howling like in pain the same thing tonight. I should be doin...


Would you believe me if I said ... I am in hell?

Spitting fire throwing at where I stand, sweat pouring like rain, blood boiling, skin burning but the burning flesh can't be the smell. I can feel it in my bones sinking in rendering me weak. Brain going to explode. My mind cursing, shouting for help, wildly screaming. Flashing lightning and a rumble of thunder shoots above.Yes, I am in hell right now but the Devil is not here. Somewhere colder I guess, cause even he can'...


When you want something ...

Oooh you are here, at long last I have met you. Sitting cozy by yourself in the center of the hall as if you are a Hollywood celebrity A-list. Looking at you, wanting more to have you. I can't decide if to approach you or just stand beside you looking, checking if you are beautiful inside as you are outside. My hand wanted to touch you itching to feel how good you are, to read you and know what you are thinking. To learn...


sometimes the strongest words that can hurt but want to hear ...

Venomous words You spawned..I want you,I need you,I love you.What I really need,It's you, who cares.It's you, who stays.It's you, who love.But I want, Need and love The poison you Bite me with it...Cause you are My Heart.


of all the things that is happening...

You are in a dark mood again I see. Cool it down, where is that sunny you, I have been with all this time? A strong headed and always shines on whatever has everyone's telling. Down here, life goes on even in your darkest day. Dance to the tune you don't even like. Carefully walks on a thin line of consciousness. Curiously do new things. We can't only smile on whatever good that will strikes us. Don't strike to hard, will...


Everyday I am thankful ...

For the songs I've sang For the music I've listened For the poems I've loved For the stories I've read For the movies I've watched For the clouds that inspired me For the rain that covered my tears For the sun that smiled on me For the mountains I've climbed  For the wind that whispers to me For the flowers that blooms For the birds that sings For the fireflies that flies For the fishes that swims For the waves that dance...


As I walk aimlessly ...

I found myself standing in front of you ... Again. Not thinking of what's going on behind  And just anticipating what's ahead. I reach out and open, What am I looking at? Goodies of healthy  Colors of greens, oranges, yellows But I am looking for something. Something that feels good, Mouth watering, sweets... Aaah sweets... Filled with hopes and dreams. That would make me feel  Comforted with love Makes a hot stressful da...


when fear visits...

Where are you?Don't put thoughts in my mind.Don't let me think on it.Don't let me swallow vile of ugly thoughts.Why are you doing this?Stop me from over thinking again.Stop me from self-pity.Stop me from inflicting self-pain.What are you doing?My mind is shouting.My heart is breaking.My eyes are tearing.Running ...Running ...Running ...Stop!Please!... I'm tired.


Looking up ... Thinking again...

At times like this  When the night time is long And the day time is short, You showed up. Whenever I look up  I see you. You are in my east side Shining so bright. Colorful, Blue and green hue Blinking,  hypnotizing me. They called you Venus, Godess of beauty. They are not mistaken. You are a beautiful  thing to look upon. Some nights  I can't find you. Other nights  you are a show off. Like tonight. Sometimes I wish  I c...


When Paris turned off its lights, the rest of the world turned them on.

I never knew you personally, All I know about you ... are From the stories I've read,From the movies I've watched,But you have captured My lonely romantic heart.You made me fall in love with you,From a far with your glittering smile,Watching you made people happy.You've been a symbol of love for me.Why the hate now?Is this how love and hate collide?I once heard a wise man say,"Forgive them for they don't know what they're...

I am ...

just in case you are interested...

Who am I to you?That you would want To know about me.I am no one!Stop assuming that You knew all about me.I live from never land.A place where you wouldNot want to know.I have a complicated mind.A loss moral to find.A crazy life, I love.What I do is my business,You have no right to tell meOtherwise.If you really want to know me....Let me tell you about my self...I am RuNe.

With You

Just thinking...

I love the smile on your face whenever you wake up in the morning with me. I love the way you occupy three fourths of the bed when you sleep with me and I am in your arms. I love when we shower together I'll scrub your back and you'll scrub mine. I love the sound of your voice when you sing your favorate songs to me. I love when we watch movies that I like and you'll sleep the entrie time. What I love the most is when you...


I just saw you tonight

Kissing a beautiful girl in your arms, You held her like a delicate flower. Even if I am standing in front of you. Am I really that easy to forget? It hurts, really really hurts. Breaking, looking at the two of you. Can't move, feeling numb. Can't speak, shouting in my mind. Can't cry, howling inside. My mind felt like going to explode, How can you do this to me? Heart beating fast... Opening my eyes... Calming my chaotic...

Can I?

I won't be expecting you tonight...

Can't concentrate on my reading,  Thinking what you're doing right now. Are you enjoying the night with someone? Are you thinking about me tonight? Can't eat, I have no appetite Even for a mouth watering food. Are you eating well with someone? Are you wishing for me tonight? Can't sleep, my eyes are closed But my mind wonders where you are. Are you sleeping beside someone? Are you dreaming of me tonight? Can't I just have...