OH Wow! I never expected to win anything! First I'd like to thank the members of the Academy, the producers and director, fellow cast members.... Ops, wrong speech.
I think most of the winners and entrants entered not to gain anything from the competition, but to honor a fellow member of our little community. That is what we are, a community of souls bound together by our love of written word.
Congratulations to Paperboy, Welshdreamer42 and Ping for doing so well.
I am glad I did not have the task of the judges. There several pieces I thought way better than my humble attempt. I think we should all thank them for the unenviable task of trying judge and somehow qualify all entries. Thank you for your efforts.
Thanks to all that took the time to read and comment. Not only on my entry, but all the entries.
One last thanks goes to Maggie for giving us all the opportunity to participate.
Okay, I'm done except for...
Sorry, I could not let that go by.