Cell phone or computer? Internet surfing
Hold up.. It's me! Giggling
Not so fast.. My turn my friend
Is gorgeous inside and out!
I love u my dysfunctional family and Eva I love you too and miss you!
Today I feel tired because of my friends wedding tomorrow..Kat hugs u always in my thoughts
Move over Meredith.. Taking your spot doing happy dance..
Yes had one.. Would you ride a merry-go-round until you got sick?
Nope not yet.. Guess it's me
Today I feel sad because I hurt the people that I care most about
Lol.. Well ur not at the end anymore!
I didn't know the answer .. Hadn't seen that movie in a long time can't remember..
Do you put ketchup or mustard on your eggs?
I second that AriesDragon..
Forgot my question.....would you ever want to be someone else?
Well I haven't written a story but for poems yes and no.. Just depends.. Sometimes I want it to be published and other times I could care less..
I don't know if Greece would help Turkey...
Who's gonna win the finals Heat or Spurs?