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Over 90 days ago
0 miles · Prairie Village


back and forth you all go

trying to call at the end

but alas you Stories friends

I stand alone

at the end
"down boy. That's a good dog."

some one needs their eyes checked for neither

dog was at the end but a Lion my friend

and welcome to the fray Tempy please move

ahead stand with the rest

end is for Lion

end of line

for some they think of being at the end

others mill around hoping to catch a look at the end

most stand quiet in line

for Lion stand at the end

end of the line winner

"NUTS" General MacAuliffe December 22rd 1944 to the Germans @ Bastogne
Reb this turn gives me a moment to reflect

be as peaceful as the Lamb
step ahead
End is here
with me

End of Line

you are so funny you bring this out in me

standing at the end

End is Mine
silk while skiing ....
cotton for everyday so I shall say cotton

twin prop aeroplane or single prop
removing your funny face paint
you see I stand at the end

winner end
end of line
eat your lunch Reb
see the army ants carrying you forward

this lion steps on the stragglers
at the end

first thank you Dave for the fine smoke

the ability to stop time/ time travel and right one major wrong