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Over 90 days ago
0 miles · Prairie Village


Quote by AriesDragon
Packed my bags... headed for Lamu Island in the morning

nice that you go and relax

woke to the birds singing and the sun shining
cant ask for a better start of my day
Quote by snoop
Quote by AriesDragon
For my fellow Kenyans

In my heart, I'll light many candles from the flame of this one. I remember a line from a religious/spiritual television program from my childhood that said: " If everyone lit just one little candle, what a bright world this would be..."

yes we all stand with our friends in this dark times, but I know Kenyans are a strong and proud people. They will weather this horrible storm and come thru even more strong
my grandfather
my SSGT Wilson
and the most was my love my wife Debbie

dark or milk choclate
Quote by PurplePanda101
Quote by adele
The last one in line wins!

So, right now, I WIN!!!!

Does this game ever end???

yes the game will end when you all give up and crown me the winner

Lion at the End

roller coaster with friends
ferris wheel with your lover ..... sorry to answer both Roland smile

tacos on tuesday or any thing but tacos
Quote by rolandloops
Chief Inspector Jacques Clouseau is not James Bond. He is much too intelligent for that.

W.C. Field was hilarious, but Sir Charles Spencer "Charlie" Chaplin revolutionized the way movies were made and distributed. He brought to the theaters around the world a whole new demographic of patrons. He was in the movie industry for 75 years. He was a co-founder of United Artists. (one of the biggest movie studios ever founded in 1919 and still in existence today). He is considered my many in the movie industry as one of the greatest actors, producers, directors, and innovators. He even wrote and scored most of his films. When I was plying my trade as a thespian he was a hero to me.

What was your favorite Peter Sellers movie?

haha you forget the classic James Bond movie staring Peter Sellers??? Casino Royale (1967)

favorite movie is/was Casino Royale

Three Stooges or Martin & Lewis
The gift of the End of the Line
for now but watch over your shoulder
for a roar when I return
I wish more people believed in the words of Dr King on this 50 year anniversary of his historic speech
to pick as a cob of corn

dreamcatcher was a animal picking cobimscule in August

tough as nails on the outer shell but a caring heart underneath
a friend that keeps me focused and yes thank you Roland
ps shave !!!