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Over 90 days ago
United States



Empathetic openness sucks in the roaring energy The sensitive dark mind explodes with rings of color The night is spent in migraine The after-world is timid and cold This world and its men are too harsh for me Without a word they scream and rage Where can...

C-Clamping Kickers

Sadly, I catch myself stereotyping people like my mom did these cows. I try not to.

I sat on the damp concrete steps at the end of the milking pit. I listened to the pneumatic throbbing of the milking machines pulling squirts of white liquid from the black and white cows. The milk filled eight glass bubbles in the pit. There were four co...

I rode my white mare past where Mary lived. The trailer-house looked like it had been dropped accidentally in front of a gray barn. She came out to the white dirt road to talk to me. Her two little brothers stood in the yard and stared. I never rode past...

Have you ever had a twisted ankle?Maybe you hurt your wrist? You learned to walk a little different.You learned to reach out with your left. Have you ever had a deep betrayal?Maybe someone stabbed you deep?You learned not to ask questions.You learned to p...

I love laying in my hammock in my back yard in Texas. I watch the fireflies rise like sparks. I listen to the cicadas sing in the trees. It's peaceful, except for those damn boys from Fort Hood, roaring by on their motorcycles, and in their hot rods. They...

Moorage Skuttlebutt

on keeping your nose clean

I was in the backseat of the car, listening to my friends Jack and Nancy talk about the owners of the moorage where Jack docks a house-boat. "...back when Coke-Collins owned the whole moorage." said Jack. I only caught the tail end of what he had said, an...

On Leaving

an expression of my current troubles

Please, leave me alonePlease, pretend that I'm not hereIt's too much to askCause you must harassAll I want is peaceTo pace behind the mowerTo wash the dishesTo take care of thingsYou look for powerEverything belongs to youYou leave in an hourThen I can br...


a short story in one very long sentence.

I worked in Tombstone at Diamond Jim's Olde Tyme Photo Studio dressing people up like saloon girls and cowboys and taking their pictures with a hundred-and-eighty-year-old camera that went POOF and running to the back to dip the sheets of paper from betwe...

To touch a thingis to say without words that it is yoursTo tear the ground apart with your handsis to claim it without deeds and titlesTo remove, or to place a thing in a particular spotis to say it is yours when you aren't there To rip the weeds from the...

Sand in the Engine

An experience I had while I served with His Majesty King George the Second's forces in Iraq.

I didn't go on the road. In the morning, I stayed back and did chores. I burned manure, did dishes, got fuel for the generator, dumped the used shower water out on the driveway and filled the shower tanks. At night, I pulled extra shifts of guard duty, an...

The Horse Thief

One of my white ancestors was a four year old boy watching this hanging from his father's shoulders.

The old man sat up watching the fire, the family, the horses, the stars…if there were nothing to watch he would still be awake. That’s what old men do – stay awake. “Where are you going?” His grandson stopped and pointed into the darkness with his lips. “...


A story about my dog, and about the shooting on Ft. Hood.

I had a nice office job on post, Fort Hood, Texas. I lived right outside the air field gate. I had a blue healer named Tito, and I enjoyed taking him for walks. His leash hung from the door handle, and he would push it into the door so the the snap clicke...