/( .□.)\ ︵╰(゜益゜)╯︵ /(.□. /)
I came with a fire retardant suit for my spot.
A truly random blurt:
If burgers were fries and fries were burgers, they would still be burgers and fries only we would say fries and burgers.
I'm not getting involved in this.
I guess I'll join in too.
Already have. And I would do it again.
Would you ever sit in the rain while writing a story?
I think that's long enough.
I think that's long enough.
Let me know if I missed Anyone.
Since it seems a time to be Nice, allow me to say good morning western hemisphere, good day western east hemisphere, and good afternoon and good night east eastern hemisphere. There, that should cover just about everyone, right?
Just me being me and appearing after everyone else is gone.
I was wondering when someone would come.
I was just wondering...
If second is the first loser and in 'End of the Line' second is the person second from the end, doesn't that make the first post last and thus the winner? My head hurts now.
I'm sure for at least the next twenty minutes.
I'm sure for at least the next twenty minutes.