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Over 90 days ago
United States


Active Ink Slinger
Certainly. Oh, a word of advice, lava beast has a tendency to bite back later if you know what I mean.
Active Ink Slinger
Would you like our ghost pepper and lava beast chili or our white dwarf special?
Active Ink Slinger
Check. One cow sandwich, hold the sauce. Would you like fries with that?
Active Ink Slinger
Isn't it meow? Oh no sorry. That's a cat. Maybe ruff. Wait, that's a dog. I've got it this time! It's moo!

Who was the killer in all five versions of Clue?
Active Ink Slinger
Clearly wasn't strong enough. May I interest you in a cow sandwich with arsenic sauce?
Active Ink Slinger
I'm just going to drop a vat of battery acid right here and wait to see who uses it first.
Active Ink Slinger
No. I think it would be a little too cold for me and the constant grey would get tiresome.

What's your ideal writing conditions?
Active Ink Slinger
Okay, I get that everyone says yes when Dreamcatcher says no, but does anyone ever wonder why?
Active Ink Slinger
7. The lucky number. Unless it's twisted math and the answer really is 9.

Who do you think is the wisest person here?
Active Ink Slinger
River cruise. Im a bad swimmer and I'd rather be in a small river than a massive ocean.

Where would you want to go if you could go anywhere in the world but you only had one day to do it?
Active Ink Slinger
Yes. Just wish I could really pull of so great stunts.

Mountain biking or street cycling in a crowded city?
Active Ink Slinger
I'd understand about half of it.

What language would you like to learn most?
Active Ink Slinger
Theoretically, yes if other dimensions do exist. Since the afterlife is a place separate from our own, it would be appropriate to believe that events such as the collapse of the universe would also be separate events.

Do you believe faster than light travel is possible?
Active Ink Slinger
I can bring some. Underage though.

Who's helping me with drinks?
Active Ink Slinger
Tilapia. Blackened with a Pico salsa, avocado slices, served with a side of Mexican rice and a simple salad.

Cruiser or Sport Bike?
Active Ink Slinger
Tilapia. Blackened with a Pico salsa, avocado slices, served with a side of Mexican rice and a simple salad.

Cruiser or Sport Bike?
Active Ink Slinger
But alas, it is your no longer. The end of the line now returns to me once more.
Active Ink Slinger
I'd habe to say a circle because it expresses balance and peace, two things I strive for but never seem to obtain.

What's your least favorite non electronic game?
Active Ink Slinger
Samsung. I am a loyal galaxy user. Guess that fits under something else.

Trivial Pursuit or Mario Kart Wii?