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Over 90 days ago
United States


To get from here to there in the blink of an eye.... Why? Because it would make things a lot easier.

You ever have an actual dream come true?
Rebel, it would be cool to see what it would be like to be in his shoes, even for a day. Just to see how things go down.
Quote by Colors_of_the_Wind
Poppet - I love The Birthday Massacre.. I'll have to check out that song smile

Amazing song! c:

Currently listening to Nemo - Nightwish
Quote by fuzzy1954
Quote by Poppet
106 Days to go.

excuse me..... I may be from Kansas and considered a bit slow at times.....
did I miss something Poppet on your count down ??

Yes, I'm counting down the days to "roughly" when my boyfriend (Who lives in the UK) is to come visit me.

105 Days to go!
I spent the day with my sister and niece, wore me out! Spent some time out side with them, fresh air is a win. Then had dinner with them plus my mum. It was a good day.
Rebel is a sweet girl, someone I need to get to know better.
I do what the voices in my head tell me to do...

No, most of the time I write what I want. I usually feel the urge to write, and I open Word, and let my fingers flow. I usually just start writing without realizing it mostly, and sometimes, most of the time it works. Then I'll re-read the first paragraph or so and think, W.T.F? And delete it, and start over. That doesn't happen much.

Sometimes I get ideas from others, and the smallest ideas can and do lead into beautiful stories. Though most of the ones I write here on SS are inspired by true events that happen to me personally. I usually write them as they happen. If I get hurt by someone, instead of crying I write it out.

Or a good cry, then write.. lol knowing me it's this one.

I love to write to much to be guided, unless pressured which hasn't happened in a long time.
MA is a sweet lady, I like getting to know her. She's also amazing at writing, and enjoy reading her stuff.
I love Nightwish, Aira.. Nice Song!

The Birthday Massacre - Hide and Seek
I'd like to be someone who lived in another country, to see how different or alike it is to live some where else.