To get from here to there in the blink of an eye.... Why? Because it would make things a lot easier.
You ever have an actual dream come true?
I wish I had more time with my oldest niece.
I'll give you a dream date with your dream man.
Rebel, it would be cool to see what it would be like to be in his shoes, even for a day. Just to see how things go down.
I had Chinese. I just got home from it. Nom
I spent the day with my sister and niece, wore me out! Spent some time out side with them, fresh air is a win. Then had dinner with them plus my mum. It was a good day.
Rebel is a sweet girl, someone I need to get to know better.
I do what the voices in my head tell me to do...
No, most of the time I write what I want. I usually feel the urge to write, and I open Word, and let my fingers flow. I usually just start writing without realizing it mostly, and sometimes, most of the time it works. Then I'll re-read the first paragraph or so and think, W.T.F? And delete it, and start over. That doesn't happen much.
Sometimes I get ideas from others, and the smallest ideas can and do lead into beautiful stories. Though most of the ones I write here on SS are inspired by true events that happen to me personally. I usually write them as they happen. If I get hurt by someone, instead of crying I write it out.
Or a good cry, then write.. lol knowing me it's this one.
I love to write to much to be guided, unless pressured which hasn't happened in a long time.
MA is a sweet lady, I like getting to know her. She's also amazing at writing, and enjoy reading her stuff.
No idea, I'll let you know. lol
I love Nightwish, Aira.. Nice Song!
The Birthday Massacre - Hide and Seek
I'd like to be someone who lived in another country, to see how different or alike it is to live some where else.