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Adventures Across the Starways - Chapter 16

“Where is she Jason? I understand she is worth a ship load of credits.

Note; I am happy to announce the revival of Adventures across the Starways. Introducing Rob, (aka - rbo) as my very talented co-writer. Our plan is to take you for a wild ride across space, as we encounter more bizarre adventures!Chapter 16 After the harrowing episode with Victor Sive looked forward to some R and R time on planet Sargo. She planned on putting that ugly business behind her and have a bit of fun with Jason....

A Little Gift from Hades!

Ed said, “Better watch out, it'll probably bite you.”

Alexander aka Zander Week One It was the beginning of June, actually June 6th when he came into our life. I was in the office going over my email when Ed entered the house and announced, “There's a young Magpie just behind the house, must have just fallen out of the nest and the cats haven't found it yet.” I of course, had to have a look. With all our barn cats around, (eleven) he wouldn't last long at all. I threw some p...

Through The Ages - chapter 11


Celebrations!We guys were up pretty early on this very important day. After getting washed and dressed, we fairly raced to the eating hall only to find that the girls had beat us there. There they were, calmly eating as they grinned at us. Kori waved at me to hurry up and sit down. Everyone started talking at once about how our day was going to go. Soon our speculations were quickly put to rest. Both Andros and Duris came...

Through The Ages - chapter 10

The priestess's lioness stood over me, watching me with huge unblinking yellow eyes.

It was finally celebration week!Our first day seemed to go so very slowly but eventually we found ourselves at the dinner table discussing what we should do that night. There was a pile of ideas being discussed, all at one time, but eventually, we settled on going as a group. I thought this would allow the people to recognize us by the black and gold colors of our outfits. The group saw that the idea was good, being proud...

Through The Ages - chapter 9

“You know I always get the best of you Nikos...!”

Through the Ages - Chapter 9 Festival TimeThe weeks and months went by while we all became truly wonderful athletes. Duris would meet weekly with Andros and contemplate our progress. I came to understand that Andros was the overseer of the entire religious complex, and our schooling was but a small part of his responsibilities. Under the tutelage of Duris, our leaps and landings became smooth and effortless. He watched ou...

Through The Ages - chapter 8

Wicked came over looking angry. He started to paw the ground then suddenly rushed at us stopping jus

Hercules and other BullsMy ears heard Duris' voice, “Meet......Hercules.”We were all frozen with fright as he swiftly trotted toward us, Duris whispered, “Don't anyone run because he will only chase you!”As the huge animal quickly made his way across the field, I found myself slowly reaching out to Kori putting my arm around her waist pulling her to my side before pushing her behind me. From the corner of my eye, I saw so...

Through The Ages - chapter 7

Before our widened eyes in walked the biggest, blackest bull I had ever laid eyes on.

Chapter 7TrainingAll eyes were on Duris as he slowly walked over to the end of the long table so everyone could see and hear what he had to say. Nina followed but stopped just a few feet behind the girls. He first looked at the boys seeing how they were reacting to this new situation before he glanced down the row of girls.Duris put a small smile to his lips before he began, “I see that you are all curious about your atti...

Through The Ages - chapter 6

“Please madam, these are kilts, why are you asking us to wear men's garments? “

Knossos Gelo signaled the horse to move forward toward the far northeast end of the elaborate grounds. All of us were still gazing at the richness of the buildings, as well as the surrounding property. When the horse finally came to a stop, we found ourselves at the western end of the palace complex. Gelo jumped down coming around to the back of the cart. Glancing up at us, he smiled before announcing, “As I am sure you k...

Through The Ages - chapter 5

Just before we were to enter Knossos, Kori and I had the incredible luck to have an opportunity to e

The JourneyAs we watched the last house disappear, Kori started to cry. We were both in shock at the swiftness of events that lead us to this position. I shook my head as I bent down and whispered, “Don't worry Kori, I will keep you safe, no matter what happens, I will always be there for you.”This did help her to calm down a little. For the next few hours, we sat on a bench that was attached to each side of the cart and...

Through The Ages - chapter 4

“Korinna.... I will keep our little secret but want something more in return.”

Both Nikos and Kori stood staring at each other until Aunt Mia who was holding the plate of food gazed back and forth with a puzzled expression on her face,“Is there something wrong? You two are acting rather odd.”At that statement, Kori came alive replying,“Oh no Aunt Mia, not at all I was just pleasantly surprised that's all, really just pleasantly surprised.”With that being said, Mia proceeded to introduce the two of u...

Through The Ages - chapter 3

I had no interest in meeting this girl, to be honest I had thoughts only of the beauty in the pool.

Town LifeAs I quickly rushed away from the girl in the pond, I kept thinking, “She is the most beautiful naked girl I have ever seen, actually she is the only naked girl I have ever seen. Regardless, she is a goddess!”Then it occurred to me, I had to see her again. As soon as I made sure I was out of sight, I dropped to the ground. (I know it was wrong but what can I say?) I quietly crawled on hands and knees back through...

Through The Ages - chapter 2

Quietly she sneaked to the window and climbed out knowing if she was caught, there would be hell to

KorinnaAt the age of 13 Korinna otherwise known as Kori was becoming more and more of a handful for her father. Since she had lost her mother to a fever three years ago, he had been just too busy trying to keep his small fishing business afloat and her in line at the same time.He and his two sons were kept busy from sun up to sun down. He couldn't seem to find a strong willed woman that could handle his beautiful, wayward...

Through The Ages - chapter 1

I'm known as Nikos...just Nikos since my last name is of no importance as you will come to realize.

Through The AgesBook 1 CreteChapter 1. NikosI have decided to write the story of my long life. Someone like myself might come across it one day and know they are not alone. If not, I'm sure it will make an interesting read. I'm known as Nikos, just Nikos since my last name is of no importance as you will come to realize. I was born around 2000 BC in a very tiny village, so tiny that it didn't even have a name. But for you...

Adventures Across the Starways - 15

I'm going to treat you like a dog that bit me, Victor.

Chapter 15 by Kari and Rascal Jason holds up a hand. "We're not going anywhere near him until we get word back from the crew about the search. Donny's going over Angel with a fine-toothed comb and we're going to sit tight until he reports to us. Zlanta's got Victor in the airlock right now. One push on the control and he goes for a very long walk with no oxygen. She's not talking to him or letting him talk. Nice when you...

Adventures Across the Starways - 14

“Do you have any idea who this little chit of a girl is, or better yet what she is worth?

Chapter14 by Kari and Rascal On the bridge, Jason heard Victor enter the common room. His boots made a sound distinct from Sive's light footsteps. Fingers drumming absently on the console, Jason listened to their conversation. Sive looked up when she heard heavy footsteps. Smiling, she said, “Hi Victor, glad to see you're on time. Have a seat, let's get to know one another before I take you on a tour. Oh, and if you want...