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Over 90 days ago
United States


Active Ink Slinger
Saddle creaks
as leg swings over.
Foot planted firm
of this iron willed drover.
The ride will be long
and the cattle will move.
Dust in the air
the thunder of hoof.
Crisp is the breath
as morning sun rises.
He hopes and he prays
for no dangerous surprises.
But all will be well
this he knows to be true.
His love will await him
when the task at hand's through.
Active Ink Slinger
I don't know. Sometimes the wait is all that keeps us going, even if dreaded.

Close your eyes. What was the first image that you saw?
Active Ink Slinger
I have not.

If you were to ride a horse, would you choose English or Western, or maybe bareback?
Active Ink Slinger
Walz... that is, after all... the 3 step. And every good cowboy knows that one. ;)

Tent or RV?
Active Ink Slinger
LOL Wow, quite the choices. I guess it would depend on my mood. Neither are "me". If forced to, probably Rave.

Star Wars or Star Trek?
Active Ink Slinger
I have and would again. So yes. It is not something I "enjoy", but sometimes it has to be done, and en EVERY case someone has to do it.

Would you ever drink raw eggs?
Active Ink Slinger
I am not a huge fan of either. I like some from each.... but.... I have to go with Rush.

A a club.... live band or DJ?
Active Ink Slinger
I would apologize for running into them, and tell them I will pay more attention to where I was going next time.

What is your favorite smell?
Active Ink Slinger

What is the thing that if someone said it to you, would make you the happiest?
Active Ink Slinger
Sure. There is more risk with jellyfish. lol

Would you ever piss on an electric fence?
Active Ink Slinger

Would you ever eliminate internet access from your life?
Active Ink Slinger
Sure. I am who I am no matter what name is used.

Would you ever become a vegan?
Active Ink Slinger
Look at it wow,
a sky of fire's passion.
A long trial ride,
alone but only of a fashion.
Thoughts of her waiting,
while distance eats time.
Crackling fire in hearth,
makes a connection to mine.
Roll out for the night,
resting my head on my saddle;
sweet lullaby they do sing,
the insects and cattle.
Active Ink Slinger
I had to look it up..... no I would not.

Would you ever cut yourself off from all human contact for an extended period of time?