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Love 'n War – A Fuel Story

Love is in the air as well as hate. Whose heart will be broken this time around?

13th of February – Season 3 TWO WEEKS AGO A cup of coffee. That's all it was supposed to be. That had been the idea when Savana sat down at the booth of Kieck's Kitchen. But then he walked in. Savana had been surprised considering that back on Fuel, he and Jim Kieck were not friends. Neither was Savana. When he'd sat down at her table, she'd asked the most basic question: "What do you want?" "He wants us to play lovers."...

Fuel Season 3: Episode 18 – The Face of the Dynasty

After the tragic accident at The Scramble, Penny tries to come to terms with her injuries.

7th of February – Season 3 Penny Potgieter stared at the mirror with tears welling in her eyes. The doctors had only recently taken her bandages off, having told her, thankfully, that she would not be losing her eyesight. Of course, she'd figured this out a week ago when she'd taken the bandages off prematurely so that she could watch a travesty unfold before her burnt eyes on last week's episode of Monday Night Fuel. Pen...

Fuel Season 3: Episode 17 – The Kingmaker

With a cold war brewing between the 2 showrunners, Moodswing looks to put Glen in his place.

31st of January – Season 3 Terrance Moodley had woken up early, having taken a shower and had breakfast before his wife had woken up. He'd just finished brushing his teeth when Angela walked into the bathroom. "Hey, you're up early." "Winners wake up early, Angie." Angela looked at her husband almost worried as she had no idea what he was going to do today. However, she did know what he had to do. "What's on the schedule...

The Scramble [S3] – A Fuel Story

Queen Stevie faces her biggest challenge yet as the F-X racers look to win the Scramble Race.

28th of January– Season 3 When Leonardo Mustafa arrived at the Fuel Speedway, he'd made a point to wear a disguise. He'd heard the stories of what happened when Bru Constantin had arrived here a year ago and Tendai Mathemba a year before him. Leo was not interested in interacting with any F-X racers including fellow Auto 1 racer, Solo Magubane. Leo was a member of Team Caltex and a former Auto 1 champion hailing from Egyp...

Fuel Season 3: Episode 16 – The Ambassador

When Mandla is given a secret mission by Moodswing, he recruits Devì to get the job done...

24th of January – Season 3 MONDAY MORNING Mandla Xulu felt strange sitting in the lobby outside Moodswing’s office. Even though the Club President was nothing like the Deputy Mayor, Mandla felt exactly how he usually felt sitting outside his father's office, listening to his PA, Sindiwe typing away on her desktop as the dread of the conversation set in. Mandla realized that what he was dreading wasn’t the conversation wit...

Fuel Season 3: Episode 15 – The Spell of Luck

With the Scramble Qualifiers taking place next week, Blackcat and Fiona play the odds.

17th of January –Season 3 EARLY MONDAY MORNING Blackcat Mathunzi had never been much of a teacher, but unfortunately for him, practicing this ancient form of African Occultism came with a price. It was a disclaimer of sorts: Everything you have learnt must be passed on to another; a worthy successor who will become more wiser and far more powerful. Blackcat admittedly never liked this part of the practise. Why couldn’t he...

Year End Bash [S3] – A Fuel Story

While Queen Stevie deals with her own personal 'Die Hard' situation, 6 racers vie for the F-X Cup.

12th of December – Season 3 Toney had never liked the rain so when she saw that it had seized up last night, she was very happy. She would have hated for the pay-per-view to be postponed. But alas, the show would go on. But if the show would go on, then it meant she would need to get a story. And this time, she wasn't interested in backstabbing or fighting with her fellow F-X reporters over an article. This left her with...

Fuel Season 3: Episode 14 – Clash before the Bash

Jim Kieck reflects back as he tries to stop the momentum of Penny Potgieter and end the dynasty.

6th of December –Season 3 Jim looked at his watch nervously. It was nearing 8 o'clock and he still had one customer to take care of before he could leave for Fuel. While he knew it was common restaurant courtesy to serve any customers still in the building after closing hours, surely this was pushing it. She'd been here for two hours already! The woman sitting by her lonesome in the eating area was gorgeous with dark choc...

Fuel Season 3: Episode 13 – Homecoming

Solo's magnificent return is interrupted by none other than the racer who beat him at the Grand Prix

29th of November – Season 3 Solo Magubane tried to relax as the plane made its final descent, making fists with his toes. Solo always flew with flip-flops on so that he could slip them off when he needed to and he needed to now, having never liked this part of the journey. When the plane finally landed, Solo exercised patience, taking his time to make his way to luggage collection. He was surprised to find adverts for ton...

Show-Down at the Capital - A Fuel Story

It's the one night a year where Formula-X takes to the mainland!

28th of November – Season 3 Eleanor Coetzee was uncomfortable. She was currently sitting in the back of a black Hyundai SUV with the Formula-X Racing Club President, Terrance 'Moodswing' Moodley. She didn't know what was worse: being called to his office or being picked up by him to go to the pay-per-view. Ellie – as she preferred to be called – was a 23-year-old Afrikaans woman who had taken advantage of Moodswing's penc...

Fuel Season 3: Episode 12 – The Ex-Feature-Racer

After falling off the line of succession, Kloof looks to prove that his days headlining are not over

22nd of November – Season 3 When John Kloof had read the post on the Formulary, his heart had skipped a beat. How could it not? The first ever Formula-X Queen had named him as the only former King she regretted never facing while she was reigning Queen. She'd even name-checked his career highlights, admitting that his rise to the top in season 1 had been inspiring to her. However, it was the Club President that made the d...

Fuel Season 3: Episode 11 – Rivals and Crushes

As his personal life comes to life in the public light, JVZ looks to his zen for guidance.

15th of November – Season 3 "Juan, where are we going?" Juan can Zonder looked at his companion The eighteen-year-old Teresa Koek had a worried look on her face but he knew that there was an excitement building in her as he led her up the mountain. "You'll see." "When you asked me out on a date, I didn't think it would involve hiking up a mountain. Are you always this physical?" When JVZ smiled at her question, she blushe...

Fuel Season 3: Episode 10 – New Girls Day

New girls Savana and Plain Jane Deyi look to show the fandom what they've got tonight.

8th of November – Season 3 Jane Deyi – or Plain Jane Deyi as Moodswing had renamed her – was excited! How could she not be? Last week, she’d won the Duchess of Drag title on her debut episode! She’d been excited all week long, having gone to bed with the title. Even at this moment, while being driven to the Fuel Speedway by her boyfriend, she was carrying it on her lap. Her boyfriend, Milo, noticed. “You know, that helmet...

Fuel Season 3: Episode 9 – Enter the Dojo

The Saharan Knockout makes her magnificent debut as the first North African racer in the series

1st of November – Season 3 “Yami,” shouted the karate instructor. “That’s enough kumite for today.” “Oss Sensei,” said Savana and her sparring partner in unison. “Savana here still has a big night ahead of her,” said Sensei Jannie as he came up to Savana and lifted her chin to check her face. “We wouldn’t want her to look like she’s been through a war zone.” He gritted his teeth looking at the growing bruise on her cheek....

Hallow's Eve [S3] – A Fuel Story

It's the one night a year where there's permission for all hell to break loose and F-X is all in

31st of October – Season 3 Darcy Stevens woke up with a start. She looked around, relieved to see that she was still in the comfort of her bed, safe and sound. It had only been a nightmare but one that could very well come true if she wasn’t careful. She looked across the room to check that her Crown was still there. She hadn’t lost it. And if she kept her head about herself, she wouldn’t. Stevie’s dream had been a strang...