Even if other arms claim you in lust,even if the trace of your passionsstill lingers in other beds, other rooms,in cities lost in labyrinths of memory...Even it the portals of your playful hearthave opened to multiple affections,stories fueled by pain and also desire,even if the caresses of unforgiving Timeslowly cover your once worshipped body,wrapping your limbs in elusive immortality...I will still celebrate your very...
He was all she ever wanted, she was another one on his list, he was her North and guide, she was just a stop on his way, he was her dear beloved, she was some accepted supply, he was her joy and desire, she was just an object he owned. And so, he stopped talking to her, she never stopped asking why. He just gave elegant excuses, and all of a sudden, she saw it all. She kindly ok and so long, she left without another word....
No one knew about their story, no one knew when it started, no one knew it would live, branded in their souls forever. No one knew anything about it, they just kept their secret safe. Only the river and the old bridge were their trusted friends. Their ways parted one day, as those of star crossed lovers do, Still, there´s a ripple in the waters that spells their names in the air, there are stone steps somewhere that have...
Fear not, my most beloved, the city keeps our liaison secure. The old stones have engraved our names in their fiery hearts, the greyish river remembers to keep our scent in its waters. We somehow will always live in the travelling breeze of Time, In the old decayed doorways where we kissed defying Fate and every treasured second will shine softly for all lovers even in the darkest of nights.
Out from the silence of years, lost in the memory of dead seconds, walking through the labyrinth of time knowing the way out is deeply hidden and the centre perversely elusive, I can still say your memory lingers in the city of bridges and dark river, in the flowery scent of warm nights, in the fading music of some old bar and in the crossroads of my own heart.
Just the sanding of the years on a wall still firm and strong, just the flaking here and there, while TIme smiles and goes on. Just a few more marks and lines on a surface still quite smooth, while events unfold and fade, while peace and turmoil meet and love and desire rub elbows with the paleness of dying seconds.
Time and gardens go together, love and roses go together crystals and rain go together, fireplaces and Winter also go together… We, on the other hand, shared time in gardens, enjoyed love and roses, loved raindrops on crystals, cuddled near the fireplace in cold, ice-cold Winters, and yet, sadly enough, we are no longer together.
She looked at him in awe and saw her past revisited, she looked at him hopefully and saw her uncertain future. He just looked at her intently and saw only the present. And it is now, years later, she lives only in the present while he thinks of their past and still regrets not finding her in his bright, promising future.
Ice cold droplets on rosebuds fated to die under the first frost, an untended garden lost in time, a house blurred in the fog, hours rushing to their swift end, unopened books inviting dust, a sun struggling pitifully to rise, a moon declining its own light, crystals shattered on old stones, ashes gathering in misty winds, all telling the bittersweet story of a thwarted old love affair, lost in the darkest folds of the mi...
It was in the madness of lust that I found my purest moment. In the raw melting of orgasm I found Death and defied her. It was then I reached the Divine, while agonizing amidst spasms, it was then I learnt I was yours and yet I was dangerously free, like the wind in the desert, free to live throughout our desire, to wander through the realm of lust, to become one with the elusive flame, the one that ignites and feeds life...
Nothing, Your elusive presence still haunts the persistent silence. Nothing. Your boyish smile of old still dances wrapped in memories. Nothing. Your voice of soft tones still echoes in the growing distance. Nothing. Your body of graceful lines still rests nearby in a time long lost. Nothing, nothing, just faded hours, just broken crystals, just empty rooms, just silence broken by droplets of blood dripping slowly from a...
The arms of an abandoned woman become the hands of a huge clock moving resignedly to meet the hour, while holding the pain of the world. The eyes of an abandoned woman become beacons in the darkness, bearing witness to the grief around. The legs of an abandoned woman carry her through old, forgotten roads, looking for a place she can call home. The hands of an abandoned woman hold her heart to prevents its pieces from spi...