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These magazines/websites accept book reviews on a variety of topics and genres. Apart from reviews, most of them also accept work in other genres, like fiction, poetry, and non-fiction. Many pay writers, from token to pro rates. None charge a submission fee, or they have fee-free options. Here they are, in no particular order.

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The Rumpus
This magazine has reading periods for ENOUGH (a series devoted to creating a dedicated space for work by women and non-binary people that engages with culture, sexual assault, and domestic violence – reading until 30 November 2019), fiction, and poetry. They also publish reviews, and other departments. For prose books, they want reviews between 1200-2500 words, and prefer a finished draft to a review pitch. For poetry book reviews, they’re interested in entries for our “Last Poem I Loved” and “Last Book of Poems I Loved” series, which should be 1500–4000 words. They look for reviews of collections from a diverse group of poets working within a variety of aesthetics. The review should be accessible to a general audience. They’re more interested in the reader’s experience of the poems, subject matter, arc, and the poet’s use of craft than we are in scholarly criticism or theory. They love reviews that address how the collection interacts with poetic tradition, the current landscape of poetry, and that speaks to what the collection brings to our shared discourse as readers, writers, and citizens. Reviews are accepted year-round. Each month, they set aside $300. All eligible contributors (feature writers and book reviewers) are able to opt in for payment at the end of the month, and the money is divided between those who opt in. Details here.

This is a print and online journal featuring fiction, poetry, interviews, and essays about music, art, and the detritus of popular culture. They are currently open for book reviews, which are published online. Their guidelines say, “We prefer reviews that focus on recent(last two years) small press titles—especially debuts—or upcoming titles. We are especially keen on books that do not get reviewed in US outlets as often as others—translated works, international releases etc. … We’re interested in full-length or chapbook-length collections of poetry & prose. We’d be open to memoirs, story or essay collections, even academic works. We’re most tentative with academic titles—not because we’re not open to them—but because they would need to be accessible to the same readership as for any text.” They pay $50 to all contributors of their print and online issues. Details here.

Contemporary Poetry Review
They invite submissions and take on people as critic contributors who contribute regularly, and they pay. Contributors can choose their own schedules and deadlines. There are no length restrictions for the poetry reviews. Those interested in being considered as a contributor can submit 3-5 poetry reviews as writing samples and a biographical note, by email or by post. Details here.

The Gettysburg Review
This magazine publishes fiction, essays (including essay reviews), poetry, and visual art. They don’t publish short reviews of recently published books. Their guidelines say, “we are interested in more extensive assessments of new publications, reviews that offer insights both broader and deeper than whether a given book is good, bad, or mediocre.” They welcome unsolicited reviews so long as they take the essay-review approach – these are usually 15-20 pages. Pay is $25/page for prose, and $2.50/line of poetry. Online submissions are charged, but there is no fee for postal submissions. The reading period is till 31 May 2020. Details here and here.

Mystery Tribune
This print magazine also has an online presence, the Daily, in which they publish nonfiction essays, stories, interviews, and reviews on the genre of mystery and suspense. Pitches or submissions are preferred to pieces written on spec. Unsolicited contributions to the Daily section, if accepted, are unpaid. They also publish fiction, flash fiction, nonfiction, art, photography, and translations in the magazine. Contributors to the print magazine are paid an honorarium. Details here.

This is an online crime fiction journal publishing short stories and self-contained novel excerpts, and occasional book reviews and essays. Book reviews of 1500 words or fewer. Their guidelines say, “We are a crime journal. Our book reviews will reflect these interests.” Nonfiction includes profiles of and interviews with crime writers, essays about crime writers past and present, trends in the small press crime fiction community and other subjects as they present themselves. Query before submitting reviews or nonfiction. They pay $25. Details here and here.

The Puritan
This Canadian literary magazine publishes fiction, nonfiction – interviews, essays and reviews – and poetry from all over the world. For reviews in the magazine their guidelines say, “We are looking for pitches for 1500-5000 word reviews of recently released writing in any genre (including nonfiction). We generally publish reviews of books from small(er) Canadian publishers, but are open to other works, as well. We do not publish reviews of chapbooks (please see blog submission guidelines below for chapbook reviews).” For the blog their guidelines say, “As part of our MicroLit Reviews series, The Town Crier is also looking for 400-600 word reviews of micro press books, chapbooks, broadsides, zines, visual poetry, digital literature projects, and everything else weird and wonderful being made in literary communities across North America. Microliterature is what comes out of small (or digital) literary scenes and communities. It passes under the radar of major publishers and literary arts media. It’s read by a small but engaged audience and it lives close to feedback, criticism, and encouragement. The Town Crier wants to expose how these works are made and received.” They read year-round, and submissions sent up till 25 December 2019 will be published in the Winter issue. However, they can only accept a limited number of fee-free submissions per month in each category, and these fill up quickly. They pay CAD100 per interview or review, CAD200 per essay, CAD150 for fiction, and CAD25 per poem (or page, capped at CAD80) in the magazine. Details here.

Rainbow Book Reviews
This is an all volunteers, non-profit site dedicated to GLBTQ-related books, reviews, and authors who write about topics of interest to the GLBTQ community and its allies. They are always open for guest reviews. They also accept sample reviews from those wishing to join their review team on a more permanent basis. Details here (scroll down).

The Georgia Review
The editors mostly assign reviews, but they also welcome submissions from outside reviewers. They publish standard reviews (3-5 pages), book briefs (up to 2 pages), both usually focusing on only one book. They also publish essay-reviews, which almost always discuss more than one book. The essays should develop a strong thesis that not only link the books under consideration but also reaches out to comment on literature or culture beyond the texts at hand. These are 2-4 pages per book reviewed. The Georgia Review also publishes fiction, poetry, essays and visual art. Book-briefs are paid $50, essay-reviews and standard reviews are $50/page, as are all other prose submissions. Poetry pays $4/line. There is no fee for mailed submissions, and their deadline is 15 May 2020. Details here.

The Sunlight Press
This online magazine wants to “hear the ways people turn toward light and hope, whether it is through the arts, culture, spirituality, or humor, and also how they respond to the darkness and navigate unknown spaces.” They accept reviews of books, short story collections, and essay collections (750-1,000 words). They also publish poetry, personal essays, fiction, and Artists on Crafts series. They publish both new and established writers, and they pay. Details here.

87 Bedford
Apart from reviews and author interviews, this young online literary magazine publishes fiction (micro to serial length), poetry, art, photography, spoken-word, and other creative media. The journal’s name is inspired by an address – Chumley’s, which was at 86 Bedford Street, Greenwich Village, New York City – a historic tavern and former blacksmith’s shop-converted-speakeasy during the Prohibition-era. It received frequent patronage from writers and poets of the Lost and Beat generation, including Willa Cather, E.E. Cummings, Theodore Dreiser, William Faulkner, Edna St. Vincent Millay, and John Steinbeck. In 2000, it was awarded a plaque by the Friends of Libraries USA. Pay for contributors to the magazine is $0.01/word for short stories, instalments of serial fiction, or book reviews, and $10 for everything else, including reprints. They publish work on a rolling basis and are open now for submissions. Details here.

The Fiddlehead
This Canadian magazine publishes writing in English or translations into English from all over the world and in a variety of styles, including experimental genres. Apart from reviews, they publish creative nonfiction, fiction, poetry, artwork, and occasionally other selected creative work such as excerpts from plays. Mailed submissions are free, and accepted year round. Online submissions will be accepted until 30 November 2019. Pay is CAD60 per page. Details here.

They publish work on disability, and accept work from writers with and without disabilities. For reviews their guidelines say, “Reviews that are substantive, timely, powerful works about publications in the field of disability and/or the arts. The writer’s opinion of the work being reviewed should be clear. The review should be literary work in its own right – 5,000 words maximum each/two reviews maximum.” They also publish poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, articles, and visual art. Pay is $10-100. Details here.
This magazine “searches for the interface—the integration—among the built and natural environments that might be called the soul of place. It is not definitely about urban form, nor solely about natural landscapes. It is not precisely about human culture, nor necessarily about ecology. It is, rather, a celebration of the symbiosis between the built and natural environments where it exists, and an examination and discourse where it does not.” They accept poetry, essays, fiction, articles, artwork, videos, and other contributions. Reviews of published or forthcoming books, CDs, magazines, community planning resource kits, websites, movies, and other items are encouraged, as are “Recommended Reads”, in which authors provide a list and narrative description of the books that have most influenced their own work. No maximum word length. Details here.

Slightly Foxed
This is the literary magazine that introduces its readers to books that are no longer new and fashionable but have lasting appeal. It is a magazine for nonconformists, “for people who don’t want to read only what the big publishers are hyping and the newspapers are reviewing.” They say they introduce readers to all the great books that languish on publishers’ backlists but which often disappear from bookshops. “Contributors are encouraged to discuss their chosen books with passion and wit … to delight in eccentricity and to share the joys of exploring the extraordinary, the little-known and the downright peculiar.” Articles are 1,000-2,000 words, and are paid. Details here.

The Copperfield Review
This is a journal of historical fiction. They publish book reviews, poetry, short stories, interviews with historical novelists, and nonfiction about tips for writing historical fiction or essays about writing historical fiction. Pay is $15 for reviews and poems, $20 for fiction and interviews, and $25 for tips on writing historical fiction. They accept work throughout the year. Details here.

This literary journal promotes the tremendous cultural diversity of contemporary American literature, alongside international voices in translation. They have reading periods for fiction, poetry, and nonfiction. They accept translations throughout the year (subject to a monthly Submittable cap). For reviews, they say “Book reviews and interviews are generally done by Waxwing contributing editors, but unsolicited reviews and interviews are sometimes accepted and published. All review and interview queries should be emailed to the editors”. They also accept queries for the Music section. Details here.

Australian Book Review
They accept queries and welcome new contributors for reviewing books and the arts (film, theatre, music, dance, art exhibitions, festivals, etc.) as well as established ones. They have sections on Advice for ABR Contributors, Advice for New Reviewers, and Advice for New ABR Arts Contributors. They pay for everything they publish. Details here.

Beatdom #20
This magazine publishes annually. For their 20th issue, apart from reviews, they want essays, interviews, poetry, and art related to the Beat Generation. They are not looking for fiction in this round. Pay is $50 for essays. The deadline is 1 March 2020. Details here and here.

The Museum of Americana
This is an online literary review dedicated to fiction, poetry, nonfiction, photography, and artwork that revives or repurposes the old, the dying, the forgotten, or the almost entirely unknown aspects of Americana. They want publish thrice yearly, and want work that showcases and/or repurposes historical American culture. Book/chapbook reviews, interviews, and music for American Songbook will be considered all year round. Submissions of fiction, nonfiction, humor writing, poetry, and art have a reading period; the next one is December 2019. Details here.

West Branch
This literary magazine from Bucknell University publishes fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry. For reviews their guidelines say, “Book reviews are typically arranged by assignment, and we publish only poetry reviews. If you are interested in writing reviews, please query with a sample. We currently pay $200 per assigned review.” Pay for poetry is $50 and for other prose, it is up to $100. They read submissions between August 1 and April 1. Details here.

This Austin, Texas-based magazine publishes work that explores how place shapes identity, imagination, and understanding. They publish reviews of books, film, television, music, art, and more “that are both timely and relevant to our audience. We like reviews that are critical, complex, creative, and culturally-minded. Reviews should consider at least one object of culture that has been recently published (within the last year) or is forthcoming. Please send work that is double-spaced, 500-5000 words in length, and includes a short author bio. If you would like to review a work listed on our reviews page or something we’ve yet to discover, send a query along with a CV and writing sample.” There is no deadline given for reviews. They also publish fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, translation, and art. Contributors are paid $25. Details here and here.

(Also see details of their Virtual Realities themed issue on the guidelines page – the deadline for this is 21 December 2019).

Literary Mama
Their tagline is “Writing about the many faces of motherhood”. Each monthly online issue features creative nonfiction, fiction, poetry, columns, essays about writing and/or reading as anyone who identifies as a mother, book reviews, and profiles of mother writers and artists. They occasionally publish work by fathers. For reviews their guidelines say, “We seek reviews exploring literary work that reflects a wide-ranging understanding of motherhood as experienced through multiple lenses and bodies. We review both newly-released work and older books that we consider to be important to the genre. Please send a query first.” Also, “Try to give us a reasoned, fair, well-balanced and supported critique of the work, offered in a positive tone. If you include a summary, please be sure it serves a purpose in illustrating a point or reinforcing a thesis rather than giving away the plot. Do not attack the author; please restrict your critique to the author’s craft, ideas, execution, arguments, etc. We publish reviews that help us understand how a book adds to the conversation about motherhood. If you cannot recommend a book, we prefer not to review it. We’d like to see reviews that consider craft as well as content.” Reviews are 800-1500 words, and genres accepted are fiction, nonfiction, poetry, young adult, etc. Details here and here.

The New York Review of Science Fiction
They want reviews of science fiction, fantasy, and horror books. Their guidelines say, “Our credo is that we publish “reviews which reveal the strengths and weaknesses of good books.” We tend not to publish negative reviews, though we do publish reviews that examine with precision the unsuccessful elements of worthwhile books. Contrawise, we do not publish reviews which are simply gushes of unexamined praise even of the best books; we want thoughtful reviews. We are not interested in reviewing every book published — nor even the majority of books published; please query us beforehand if you are interested in reviewing a specific title. We will consider well-written and substantial reviews of books by any author, from any publisher. Reviews need not be limited solely to one book; we encourage reviewers to compare books with similar themes and to place individual works in context within an author’s oeuvre and/or within the context of the field of speculative fiction as a whole.” They also seek popular articles, essays, parodies, studies, and thought-pieces on topics related to science fiction, fantasy, and horror literature. For a submission to be considered for any specific issue, they must receive the submission by the first Wednesday of the month before the issue is to be published; they publish monthly. Payment is in copies. Details here.
They are a science fiction and fantasy publisher and accept pitches for reviews, as well as for essays, think pieces, list posts, and reaction pieces in the 1,000-2,000 word range for their blog. Suggested areas of interest are: author appreciations, essays on classic or overlooked works of SF/F, SF/Fantasy in translation (international SF/F), nostalgia-driven looks at older film/TV, Manga and Anime, Internet/Geek culture, and science and technology. They have occasional calls for novels and novellas on their website. Tor is an imprint of Macmillan. All original content for blogs is paid. Details here.

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taken from the free online newsletter of, Authors Publish magazine.