New antho looking for food stories or poems that are also a recipe...pays two copies of the book, which I know is not much, but they do accept previously published something you already have posted here on Stories Space, for instance...
Calling all Chef-Poets, and others.
We are looking for submissions that are partial poem but viable recipes (must have been cooked successfully).
Red is looking at publishing it via Annapurna Magazine, title TBA, slated next fall-spring.
Send to YWz0b5osqvI8xdiQ via
Deadline- Oct 1, 2015
Fiction and non accepted, as well as looking for artwork: 1500 word max (flash), jpg and 300 dpi only
Here's the link to the site...go down to where it says "Anthology #5- Name TBA"...
Red Dashboard - Submissions
I'm in one of the Red Dashboard anthos, and I can tell you they do a real nice job...check the "Sing Your Own Praises" section, about my poem "Neon Sign" for more info on that one...