Magazine for children ages 6 to 12. Fiction 600 to 800 words and pays 30 cents/word. Nonfiction limited to 700 words and pays 30 cents/word. Poetry limited to 30 lines and pays up to $50. Recipes and puzzles/games pay $25 to $40...check it out my kid story writing friends...

Writer’s Guidelines | U.S. Kids
And also...
HIGHLIGHTS-Confributor Guidelines
Highlights for Children is a general-interest, advertising-free
magazine for children up to age twelve. Buys all rights. Does not
pay writers younger than sixteen years old for their work. Fiction
for ages 3 to 7 limited to 500 words; for ages 8 to 12, 800 words.
Pays $150. Pays $100 for rebus stories of 120 words or less.
Nonfiction limited to 800 words and pays $150 and up. Poetry isn't
bought often but pays $25 and up.