I'm just passing this along. Cash prizes, no fee, a new contest every month, NOT limited to "cosmic horror." I can't vouch for these guys, but they look legit. I'm entering! (Let me know if I posted this in the wrong place, Bill usually posts this kinda stuff.)
Cosmic Horror Monthly wants to find the very best cosmic horror flash fiction. SHOW US WHAT YOU GOT.
Submissions will be ongoing and open the first week of every month for that month’s contest. THREE stories will be chosen per month to be published the month after they were submitted. (If you submit a story on October 3rd and it is chosen, it will be published in November.)
Submissions are open monthly from the 1st to the 7th.
Submission close at 12 am (midnight) eastern standard time.
One entry per writer per month please!
No simultaneous submissions.
All stories accepted must be currently unpublished.
Once a story has been submitted, please no resubmissions!
We are looking for flash fiction (500 words or less) that can be classified as cosmic horror, dark science fiction, or weird. If you are unsure if your work qualifies, submit it and let us be the judge!
1st place: $100
2nd place: $50
3rd place: $25
Make all submissions to . Paste a cover letter with your information, publishing history, and word count into the body of the email. Attach the manuscript as a word document (.docx).
Thank you and best of luck!