eFiction Magazine touts itself as "the premier indie fiction magazine"...a quote from their site...
"eFiction is the premier indie fiction magazine. We publish stories from published and unpublished authors alike, but we prefer to publish new authors who are unrepresented and do not have current publishing deals with big publishers."
Here is the link to the magazine...
So...they accept previously published stories, and they also do promos for authors " and I'd love to publish a free ad for Indie Authors. Send a 1250 x 1650 pixel image to . Our previous ads have reported sales of 45 copies. I hope to hear from you!"...so, if you have an e-book out there, let them know about it...they will help you promote your work...Doug Lance is the editor-in-chief and is a nice guy who is of course sympathetic to indie authors...
Go for it...they don't pay, but the value of getting your name out there as an author is often worth a lot more than the few dollars some e-Zines pay...