I'm good with Flash stories – you have to be skillful AND creative – but the question was: What would I like to see more of?
I'd like to see more humour stories. They're not easy to write, especially for someone like me who has no sense of humour.
Fantasy is always fun as it opens the door to just about anything you want to do – although most people seem to devolve to werewolves, vampires, and other such. Hunh. About as believable as a talking Bear, right?
Long stories are hard to write, and even harder to write well because the plots have to be so intricate that there are a lot of moving parts. They're also harder to read – unless they're truly gripping.
I love science fiction. After Dr. Seuss, it's what hooked me on reading. But I'm desperately intimidated by the great SF writers of my youth, notably Heinlein and Clarke, and, more recently, Spider Robinson. That makes it hard for me to write.
Horror is really not my thing, although I have written a couple of horror stories. I don't like being scared, nor being scary. I'm the cute, cuddly type, y'know?
Crime is an interesting genre. I'm not very good at it, but it does seem to bring out the creativity in people. Hmmm…What does that say about us?
Historical fiction is a little rare around here, but very popular in published works. It requires some research to make it work, and that's often the least enjoyable part of writing. By comparison, with Fantasy, you just make it up and let 'er rip.
Not sure if any of that rambling helps, Molly, but that's my stream of consciousness, and I'm sticking to it!