Latest list from Authors Publish is 31 Magazines (some online, some print) that publish "literary" fiction. And it includes this gem (censorship is mine):
"Bulls--t Lit
They publish poetry and prose. “We want to see the work you haven’t sent to other lit mags because you know it’s just not working. Your s--tty prose, f---ed-up line breaks, abandoned sketches, nonsensical plots, and so on. Everybody else wants your best—we want your worst. We especially like it when s--t gets weird.” Also, “A piece of work is bulls--t if its author believes it to be so.” They do not reject good work."
So tempting to send them one of my half-finished, half-edited pieces of crap. 😜
Here is the full list:
» 31 Magazines that Publish Literary Fiction (
I have always found the term "literary fiction" to be a bit snooty or something, as if genre fiction like s-f or romance isn't "literary". However, it really seems to mean just anything that doesn't fall clearly into an established genre so I'll refrain from ranting further about it.