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Authors Publish - Journals with Fast Response Times (for authors in a hurry, I guess)

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Crazy old ape

With response times of a few days to a couple weeks, the pubs here from a variety of formats and genres will let you know soon if they are interested. Many, not surprisingly, specialize in poetry and flash which are shorter and take less time to review. See if there's anything of use to you.

Attending a wedding reception as "cover" for a friend opens the door to some revelations and discoveries.

Plus One - "Not What It Looks Like" comp THIRD PLACE!!

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Quote by Mendalla

With response times of a few days to a couple weeks, the pubs here from a variety of formats and genres will let you know soon if they are interested. Many, not surprisingly, specialize in poetry and flash which are shorter and take less time to review. See if there's anything of use to you.

The Dark magazine has now twice rejected me within a matter of hours. Fast but picky!

Teeth of the Sky - Myths and Monsters competition, first place

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place