To celebrate the launch of Jane’s new eBook, The 100 Ways to Fight the Flab – The Wannabe Guide to a Better Bottom, Jane and Chez Castillon are offering the chance to win a week-long writing course at the fantastic Southern France location in the Dordogne. See below for full details, rules and entry form.
Closing Date: 25th April 2013
This is where the course will be held:
Not a shabby location, to say the least.
Rule 8 states that:
8) Entry is free with no purchase necessary. However, it is strongly recommended that you read the book before entering, as the winning tip must be your own – ie. not already included in 100 Ways to Fight the Flab.
I checked the link to that e-book - it's £0.77 at Amazon UK, which is cheap, so any interested folks in the UK, give it a go! Could be a fun and funny subject to write about.