Quote by steffanie
The next story I won't say anything about as it's going into a competition first.
I'll just say it's almost finished and I expect to post a slightly adapted version on storiesspace sometime in July.
(I'm sure you'll get my drift there)
Quote by DirtyMartini
Hey there...hope everyone's New Year is off to a great start, writing wise, and I think it's very encouraging from what I have seen so far...it seems quite a few here are getting back into writing in a big way for 2012...
I have two goals as a writer for 2012...the first is to get more poetry published, ideally a whole book of my stuff, and will be doing what I can this year to accomplish that...
I did make a certain amount of effort in 2011 to get stuff published, and personally I think I did fairly well to that end, but really didn't make much effort to get poetry published...perhaps because there's usually not much in the way of, um, monetary gain associated with poetry publication, the thought sort of gets pushed aside...
What's changing my opinion this year is the very real and very persistent problem of people stealing my poems...combined with the fact that I believe I may actually have a real chance of getting accepted by a real publisher, based on my increased popularity as a "poet"...a term I use loosely, btw...especially as a result of the 9-11 poem thingy...
The other writer goal I have for 2012 is to get back into writing my novel...some here may have read the one chapter I have completed, Chapter 2 of all things...yeah, who says you have to write a novel in order? Anyway, some here may recall I got my computer stolen in Sept. 2010, so that sort of derailed that project...the idea of rebuilding lost notes is something I look forward to like another root canal, and I had one of those a couple of months ago, btw...
But, I really do think the novel will be worth it...and hopefully the rewards will ultimately outweigh the grief, of which there will be much...
Both of those above goals I think will be doable, btw...and if I do accomplish them, I will be sort of like...
Wish me luck here people...
"I write because kidnapping, torturing and murdering fictional people is legal."
Quote by MissAdventure
I'm thinking of doing a short course next autumn, partially just for the fun of meeting other writers in the area.