I would love to hear other writers' thoughts on the 'Ending'.
Is your story ending decided before you put 'pen to paper', or does the story reveal the ending to you only as it unfolds on paper (or screen)... and more to the point, which endings do you prefer to write and or read and how do they effect you?
Although there are many reasons I wonder about this aspect of story telling, I am compelled to admit that although I love a happy ending, it often eludes me and I find myself compelled to use a sad ending. I feel it adds 'impact' and 'remembrance', yet often feel that I may subconsciously use it to finalize the relationship created between writer and character. Beyond the aspect of 'happy' and 'sad' endings, I admit being most drawn to others' use of a bittersweet ending that creates an emotional roller-coaster of emotions.
How important is the ending to you as you write and how does it come into play with your own writer/character relationship?
Please read A Gilded Cage and tell me what you think... Really!