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Story Openings; the good, the bad, and the pitiful

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In an act of mind-boggling authorial hubris, I've posted a short 'Musing' wwith the title, "How To Be a Happy Hooker".

It's a rumination on 'hooking' the reader's interest in a story's opening lines, honest.

We've had threads before about favorite opening lines, but that was long ago. Feel free to share any thoughts on the subject along with your favorite opening liness. Here's the link one more time:

Quote by Rumple_deWriter

“The day Somebody McSomebody put a gun to my breast and called me a cat and threatened to shoot me was the same day the milkman died.”

'Milkman,' by Anna Burns

Yes, that opening line is great! As is the book, which I had to force myself to read slowly, so that it would last longer.
"Ross Wakeman succeeded the first time he killed himself, but not the second or the third."

Jodi Picoult- Second Glances

I read this book because I read the opening sentence in a bookstore. Is there higher praise to be given to an opening line than to purchase the book?
"Catherine Tekawitha, who are you?" - Beautiful Losers by Leonard Cohen.

While the novel isn't actually about Saint Kateri Tekakwitha (an indigenous woman who was beatified by John Paul II and canonized by Benedict XVI, but she was just a revered early indigenous Christian when Cohen wrote the novel), she's a recurring image/theme and the opening sets that up.

(I am currently reading The Favorite Game, his first novel, but it's in an omnibus edition with Beautiful Losers so I may re-read that novel as well).

The old bookshop owner had something special for Dave.

Dash - Writer's Block competition entry

"In the heart of the city, Katarina Langsdorf was waking to the start of a new day, a special day, for today was her fifteenth birthday."

Well, I liked it.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana