Are any Stories Space writers taking part in this year's NaNoWriMo?
November is National Novel Writing Month and all over the world people are challenging themselves to write 50,000 words in 30 days.
It all starts tomorrow (or today depending on what time zone you're in)
If you're taking part, let us know what you're writing and how you're getting on. If you're not taking part but want to, you can still register and get writing, even after the challenge starts.
I'm going to be working on a supernatural thriller/mystery called Mime, a story I've had brewing for a couple of years now. Find me on the NaNoWriMo site as "Chrissey"
I might give it a shot, but not for submitting to them, purely as a challenge to myself.
"I write because kidnapping, torturing and murdering fictional people is legal."
I'd hold off on the cheering if I were you.... I failed miserably at the last challenge I set for myself.
So that's around 2k words? Does it have to make sense? Because I could do 2k words in under an hour.... just saying...
"I write because kidnapping, torturing and murdering fictional people is legal."
I've joined up too on the spur of the moment. I've decided rather than a novel I'm going to write a whole lot of short stories that total 50,000 words. It might be just the motivator I need.
Or I might crash and burn. We'll see.
Yay, Lisa that's a great idea. There are lots of people who take part with projects other than novels. You even get your own section on the NaNoWriMo forums called "NaNo Rebels"
Good luck with your stories. Have you got any idea what they will be about yet?
I tried Camp NaNo in August with an unplanned story and ran out of steam at 30k. This time I'm going in with a substantial outline. It's a story I've had on the back burner for about two years and I have a whole notebook full of brain storming, plot development and character profiles etc.
My outline is pretty detailed up to about the half way mark then I have a skeleton plan for the rest. I'm aiming for around 85k total.
Scratch truly disciplined, I need to to be truly inspired to churn out the pages.
NaNo is good for motivation more than anything else. Encouraging each other, setting goals and keeping track of your progress.
I don't have enough time to write a short story let alone a whole novel(sigh). I find it hard enough to try balance real life with work life without adding in my literary life to the mix. I've tried just to churn stuff out and the result is that my work is substandard and uninspired. I'm a 'seats of the pants' writer so I find it very hard to plan a whole novel out. I just normally have a general direction, begining and ending.
Hey Louise, you can be a rebel too!
How about setting yourself a writing goal which is achievable in the time you have? That way you can join in with the spirit of the challenge with your own personal challenge.
I've pantzed before too. I do love just letting a story evolve. This whole outlining thing is actually a bit of an experiment for me to see how I get on with it.
I can't really do it. I can easily go over 2k words.
Managed 1333 words on day 1. Not quite the daily target but not too far behind. Given I had a splitting headache most of the day I call that a win. How's everyone else's start gone?