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Is it important to follow formal rules when writing traditional forms of poetry?

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I often write poetry using traditional formats. Sonnets and villanelles and, perhaps, haikus. Is it important to follow the rules or may one fly free and do whatever they want and still call their work by the traditional name?
Personally, I only write traditional forms of poetry when I want to challenge myself to colour within the lines. So yes, traditional forms of poetry like sonnets and haikus have set rules that need to be adhered to.

That said, there are no rules against coming up with your own style of poetry, it might just be the new 'traditional form of poetry' someday.

"I write because kidnapping, torturing and murdering fictional people is legal."

I would highly recommend reading the book, The Principles of Success in Literature. It was written in the late 1800's, but it's still full of incredibly useful information for poets and novelists. If you have an Android phone, you can download it from the Bookstore for free (if you prefer physical books I think it's on Amazon for a few bucks).

I'm sure the book can answer any questions you have about poetry, it certainly did for me when I was writing my novel.

I think that to call it a specific type of poetry it should meet the definition on that form.

I used to think that poetry was divided into several types, including free verse. I have changed my way of thinking because of the great pieces of work here and how they relate; and also from exchanges with very talented writers of poetry we have.

I know think of all poetry as just poetry, with certain subsets of specialized writing within the whole. I feel that if you changed a sonnet so that it no longer met the standard criteria of a sonnet that it stays poetry, but leaves that specific subset.

Though I used to prefer more formalized styles, I have come to enjoy all forms now. Just wish I could write them half as well as Larry or Yas.
You can't get there from here, because when you get there you're still here and here is now there.
Quote by ZMahnke
I would highly recommend reading the book, The Principles of Success in Literature. It was written in the late 1800's, but it's still full of incredibly useful information for poets and novelists. If you have an Android phone, you can download it from the Bookstore for free (if you prefer physical books I think it's on Amazon for a few bucks).

I'm sure the book can answer any questions you have about poetry, it certainly did for me when I was writing my novel.

Thanks ever so much. I was really not asking for information. I already write lots of poetry, both traditional and modern. I was starting a conversation. But I do want to thank you for joining in. Please continue to do so.
Quote by rolandlytle

Though I used to prefer more formalized styles, I have come to enjoy all forms now. Just wish I could write them half as well as Larry or Yas.

You are always so kind in your assessment of my work, Roland. Thank you.