So here is another question.
I have a group of characters fleeing a group of hostiles, to stand and fight is certain death and I need them to discover a hidden facility cut into a mountian anyway. So to bring both elements into one, I have artillery fire penetrat the mountian side and detonated storage tanks in the mountian base.
Until my characters enter the facility, they believe it to be a cave.
My question is how to discrib the cave through narration (third person, past tense) without ruining the discovery for the reader?
I am trying to avoid narration a which have the narrators voice all knowing.
Steven stood up and glanced to the mountian side. His eyes widened as he saw the black void of a cave entrance in the mountian. "John." He said and pointed to the cave. "Get the civilians up to there."
End example:
Once they enter the cave, they will discover that it isn't a natual environment, but an abandoned underground facility.